ABTs and Stuffed Mushrooms

It looks like a mystery to me. What the heck are ABT'S?
Atomic Buffalo Turd is a general name given to bacon wrapped stuffed jalapeños.
I like to stuff with chive and onion cream cheese, wrap in thinner, center cut bacon and season with a rub you like.
So many variations have been done. It’s hard to go wrong. Mix other types of shredded cheese into the cream cheese. Some like pineapple pieces.
Another classic is cream cheese and a Little Smokey sausage stuffed in the jalapeño. Shredded pulled pork is another popular way. A mixture of crab meat is another good one but not one I like. The crab gets lost and to me is a waste of good crab.lol
Even had chocolate chip cookie dough stuffed in jalapeño and bacon wrapped. Was pretty good.
Give them a try. The object is to get the bacon crispy without overcooking the jalapeño and melting the cheese out of the pepper.
350 for about an hour on the upper rack of Smokefire was pretty close to perfect.
Thanks for looking.
My ABT stuffing is cream cheese, chili powder and a little smokie sausage wrapped with cheap, thin sliced, fatty bacon.
Cooking these on my ceramic grills, it’s a battle to get crispy bacon before you over cook the peppers.
Par cooking the bacon helps but makes it tougher to wrap and stretch the bacon around the pepper.
The SF really does a nice job on these.
Have a friend who freezes the Little Smokey before stuffing it in pepper. helps keep the inners cooler til the bacon crisps up.
Have another batch of shrooms on to use up the rest of the stuffing mix.
Hey Texans, I just found out what "Texas Fudge" is. lol Yes, back to searching my recipes, found 2 more. lol
I’ve got one of the thirty hole racks but, never used it. I wrap and lay them on a rack cook them indirect on the kettle and that way I can lift a whole rack of them on or off for easier service!

Anyone have any of these? Looks like a lot of fun.
Have received a couple as gifts over the years and regifted them.
I really prefer cooking and eating them boat style, split, stuffed and fully wrapped.
These holders are great because you can cook so many using less grill space. Just not my liking.
Just my opinion, but if you are a someone who likes a higher pepper to bacon/filling ratio, you will like these pepper stands.

