A smoke wood question



We have three Bradford pear trees in our yard, one of which is leaning into the house and on the roof. They are "City trees" and we've put a call to have them trimmed. They may come today, they may come next year!
So here's my question. The Bradford pear is a non-fruiting pear, but could I use it for smoke wood?
Go ahead and use it. Make sure you let it season for awhile first. I'd try it on some chicken or something small to get an idea what it's characteristics are.
Yeah, just let the wood sit off the ground and well ventilated for 3-6 months.

Being that you're in SoCal, I hope your municipality gets the tree trimmed before they go bankrupt!
Thanks Guys! Now if they only come sometime soon before another branch breaks off! I also work for the City and I know the guys are really busy and it's already getting hot out there! And Matt, money is another problem ingetting jobs taken care of. Life in the Big City! heh, heh!

