A Nice Example

That is a beast of a grill. Would be nice to have but not for that price. Anybody got a Honda scooter they dont want? :ROFLMAO:
That grill almost looks like a rehab.
If a guy had to find a Summit to rehab, what generation would be best to look for given the cook box rust and the flavorizer issues and the the cabinet rust issue. etc.....
Honestly they all have cook box issues. IMO though (lack of features aside) the 1st gen ones are the most well built and best performing of them all
Well, I guess the flavo bar issue makes the first generation a better choice then.
That one looks ready to go and in solid shape, unseen internals of course could be another story. I agree with some other posts, though, that the porcelain hood, basic black, dark red, green, blue, etc., looks better and is easier to keep clean.

$800 is pretty steep, but when you consider that you are getting a stunning piece of Weber history along with a GREAT grilling machine that is solidly built (other than the firebox issue:confused:) it isn't totally crazy to me. I am with Bruce that it almost looks like a mildly rehabbed grill. I hope he gets close to what he is asking even if I can't afford that much.

