A New Grill and Scallops Three ways

Beautiful cook Bill!
Something tells me that you could turn out great food, no matter the cooking device used.

I'm with you, Bob. I think you could give Bill a Bic lighter, a beer and a piece of aluminum foil and he'd cook up something nice.
Rich it is a close call for me as both myself and the CEO could not decide. For me the Prosciutto wrapped is a favorite but the Penzey's Spanish Style Smoked Paprika was superb.
I'd sure like to try that!

I notice you have some mugs like mine - do you keep some in the freezer??? I'll rotate mine...takes them ~20-30 minutes to re-freeze after being rinsed off.

I also got another style a couple months back - I don't freeze them but they're a lot like wine glasses, and 16 instead of 22/24 oz:
Hibachi looks like a great little grill, love the cast iron grate. Obviously it cooks great when cooked on by a great cook.
Nice post!
I've been looking at the Lodge Sportsman for quite awhile and your cook is sure making it tempting. Beautiful grill marks on everything. Well done as always, Bill!!!
As a teenager living the surfing life in Huntington Beach in the sixties and into the beginning of my married life in the seventies that’s all I had or needed as a grill. Like many others here I miss it, at least mine wasn’t stolen it just rusted away and died of old age. I've got 4 grills now, but there is something special about a hibachi the way it cooks and the way the food tastes. Hmmmm.
Bill, those scallops look really good... prosciutto and scallops...hmmmm would have never thought of that... But, I imagine that it would be very good, in fact, delish... Nice job!!!

