A Logistical Question



TVWBB Gold Member
I have a question for those members who have cooked items on both racks that needed to be mopped. How did you mop the item on the lower grate? I'm going to be doing 2 pork butts using the Mr Brown recipe and hopefully will be able to do both on the upper grate of my 18.5. But if i need to use the bottom grate how do you approach mopping the item on the lower grate?
Depending on how big the butts are, you should be able to get them both on the top rack. If needed, place them on their side with the fc out. I smoked 3 butts on the top rack of my 18" that were just short of 27lbs total. All in their side with the fc out. Use some skewers to keep them upright and apart if you need to.
The top grate has handles so it's easy to remove that and set it down on something.
Work quickly because your stoking the fire by adding more oxygen.

I use a cpl bricks on some paper towels on the side table and set the top rack on them while dealing with the lower grate.
I don't mop when doing Mr. Brown. I find it removes more seasoning than I am comfortable with. Butts come out just fine without the mop. Can always add a finishing sauce at the end.

