A little help please....

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New member
My first try today. I got everything going well (I thought). Chicken thighs.

I used a chimney and a half and put some wood chips on the coals. Also put cool water in the pan. Used Standard method.

I am taking the temp with Weber tem probe with the cork through the top vent.

Temp is VERY low. 175* at last check. I now have all three bottom vents open.

I am getting lots of smoke, but an concerned about the lack of heat.

Also, the side door is not 100% flush with the side of the smoker and some skoke is escaping from that point.

Any suggestions....

Cold water will rob the temp for a while. If using water you should put hot tap water in. Plus the cold chicken in there it's going to take awhile to come up. How much lit charcoal did you use. Minion Method or standard method?
Where is the thermometer located top vent or a probe at the grate
Check the thermometer in boiling water (should read about 212 degrees) and tell us how long it has been that it took to get to 175 (half hour?).

The leak around the door will cause more air flow. It's worth fixing, but it is not causing a low temp condition. Bend it into shape before your next cook.
Thanks folks....

Standard Method to light and Chimney and a half.

I am up to 195* at an hour an a half in.

If I needed to put in more charcoal, how would I go about it with the water pan on top of the charcoal ring?
Ah hah. A clue. The water pan should not be resting on top of the charcoal ring. It should be hanging just below the bottom grate within the middle section. The water pan is probably keeping your fire from getting up to temp.
Whoops, there's your problem. The pan goes on the flanges just under the bottom grate. You're smothering the fire. Don't feel bad-- it's been done before.
Boy... I feel like an idiot! It seemed strange and the water got VERY hot right away. But now that you all explained it, it makes sense.

I am up to just over 200* right now.

I guess it is too late to do anything now unless I took everything off, but I guess I could do it.

One more thing, A lot of the smoke at the start seemed to come out from under where the lid meets the top of the cylinder portion of the grill - its fine now and the smoke is coming through the vent in the top. Is this normal at the start?

Thanks everyone. I will post later to let you know how it came out. I am glad we didn't invite anyone over.
The good news is you can -- with a pair of heavy gloves-- lift the center section off (without fear of spilling water on the fire), and then carefully remove the water pan, empty it out, put it where it's supposed to go, reassemble the cooker, add water to the pan, and be back on track in short order.
Do you have some thick leather gloves/ welding gloves is what i use. I diasemble mine with them it will only take a minute. Time well/ worth spent. Or in a pinch some thick winter gloves oven mitts improvise some. You really need to get the water pan off the charcoal ring
Yes - I have the gloves. I did take it down and put it back correctly. I also added a bit more water (it was very low obviously) and flipped the chicken thighs.

Temp is now at 235* and holding.

I will monitor and close the bottom vents as needed.

It is so darn obvious now that I look at it... but I guess if everything tastes good - who cares that I messed up!

Thanks all.
Dinner is over.

Chicken had an amazing deep, golden brown color (in the skin).

It was a little drier than I would like, but still tasted good. Very smokey taste. Even the kids liked it (3 and 6).

Thanks again to everyone for the help. Now I am off to clean up.....
Next chicken thighs, think about a marinade-- there's a good recipe in the Poultry Recipes forum called Jumpin' Jim's which will give you some good ideas. Sorry to hear they were dry-- the higher fat content of dark poultry usually helps prevent drying out, but it may have partially been your lower temps-- cooking too low can have that effect sometimes.
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Duncan:
Boy... I feel like an idiot! It seemed strange and the water got VERY hot right away. But now that you all explained it, it makes sense.
Don't feel dumb. Like Doug says, it's been done before, and even by a high-profile chef on a television cooking show.

Anyone know where that Flay photo is that someone snapped off their TV? I can't find it.

And please, I don't want to start the Flay bashing again...just wanted to make Duncan feel better.

Glad you got it worked out Duncan. Just consider it another knotch on the ol' learnin' curve.

Rath *likes Flaying Flay*
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Duncan:
Dinner is over.

Chicken had an amazing deep, golden brown color (in the skin).

It was a little drier than I would like, but still tasted good. Very smokey taste. Even the kids liked it (3 and 6).

Thanks again to everyone for the help. Now I am off to clean up..... <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Try brining the chicken next time. Might help with the dryness problem. See if you can tell a difference.

I'm also guilty of setting the water pan on the coals my first smoke. The store I bought the WSM at, had it set up that way! They even had the brackets upside down. Being a guy, I didn't read the instructions, and you know the rest!

Welcome to the board and it only gets better from here. With all the help here you'll be batting all the compliments away in no time!

If it was me I'd run the WSM VERY hot by using an empty water pan, makes for better skin. The best smoked thighs I've done have been on my kettle, not on the WSM, smoking for 45-60 minutes at temps above 300.

Also, consider brining your thighs for 2-4 hours, makes for good schtuff.
Duncan, dont worry about it. You know now and you will get better as time goes on. Try a pork butt sometime and you will really start to enjoy your smoker. Everyone has a favorite way to make them so you need to look around this site and try one out. After a few cooks, you will be hooked and your friends will be amazed.
I am a mustard slathered butt man by the way with a little extra rub added after pulling it.. My wife loves it when I say that. hee hee...
One more thing, A lot of the smoke at the start seemed to come out from under where the lid meets the top of the cylinder portion of the grill - its fine now and the smoke is coming through the vent in the top. Is this normal at the start?

I also have this same question... I'm new to smoking (first butt two weeks ago) and it was awesome! My wife loved it and said it was the best she had ever had, and what guy dosn't like to hear that! (BB-Q that is)
Before I bought the WSM i spen about 3-4 days on this incredible site, thanks for your time and knowlage.
P.S. I am also know to "posting" so I don't know if i just put this with the original post or start a new one if I want my question to be seen, so I ask for forgivness and advice for future posts...
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