Dear Mary,
thank you for your kind interest.
As I wrote before It is a slow movement, I have other things to do. However it seems I finished the cooking box. I mean it is not in factory state but it shouldn't be. The lid is not 100% clean and it is very difficult to come along. Chemicals do not work, only the putty knife is useful but cleaning a 1 sq inch area takes 15 minutes at least. Both my arms and my fingers aches. And I also feel stiff

I will post before/after pics in a few days...
Take care!
Peter, I feel your pain! After I got through restoring the Genesis C, my upper arm ached like crazy! I even had trouble lifting a cup of coffee or reaching for cup out of the cupboard, not to mention my finger tips and under my nail beds on my right hand, specially my thumb, as I used it to scratch little bits of crud off the inside of the lid..
A few days ago I started another restore on a 2006 Genesis Silver A. That one went pretty fast, but am still waiting on parts I ordered from a third party on Amazon, like the flavor bars and grates.
So while waiting on parts to complete the silver A, I started the SS Performer I bought a few weeks ago.. I can honestly say this performer has kicked my aging *** but good! This thing had at least 10 if not more layers of solid as a rock carbon on both the inside of the lid but the kettle too. Heavy Duty oven cleaner only got me down a layer or two.. ( I used 2 cans!) I finally broke through the last layer this evening, after working a solid 2 days on it!
Not only do my hands hurts, my back is killing me, from leaning over that performer for 10 hours a day.
Once my parts from Weber come in, and this thing is restore days are over! I'm getting too old for this kinda stuff! I suppose if we used power tools instead of wire and brass brushes and putty knife, we wouldn't be aching so bad..
Good luck to you, all your hard work will pay off!