A few cooks and lesson's learned



Tried to make some pulled pork spring rolls using a wrapper without wheat (the Vietnamese rice paper) to keep them gluten free for my wife. They came out tasting great but would not get very crispy when fried. We re-branded them pulled pork dumplings, then it all made sense! BTW if you do them with the rice paper, we found they work best to use a griddle and roll them to fry each side rather than drop it in oil.

Here is the beef shoulder I asked about on the BBQ forum. Turned out with a good taste but a little dry. Lesson learned is to foil it. The recipe said to foil it mid-way (I only foiled for resting), but I ignored it and treated it like a brisket...turns out it is not a brisket. Not a big deal because this was destined for leftovers for camping anyway, so it was stored and frozen in some bbq sauce and re-heated on the camp stove. It's all good!

Thanks for looking!


