Floris Vande Walle
TVWBB Member
Hello nice people out there!
I'd like to start a conversation about your country's habbits when it comes to BBQ and grilling. I'd like to know how you guys do it?
For example, I live in Belgium. Yes, the tiny country in Europe, famous for it's beer and chocolate. And I'm proud of it! But when it comes to the BBQ, i'm less proud. Many people use electric and gas grill's. As far as my grilling and BBQ-knowledge goes, and that's not a lot, those are great to get your dinnerplates preheated before you put your meat on 'em that you just prepared on your charcoal Q. Not try'ing to pick on ppl, but that's my opinion, sorry pro's!
When it comes to picking meat, we are a bit different I guess. I've red some books about BBQ and grilling in the past, and those describe one type of meat/fish on the grill at a time... In Belgium, BBQ and grilling are the same... Only a handfull of people know terms like "Low and Slow", or even a "dry rub" or "indirect" makes their head spin...
When we Q, we pick a dozen of types of meat, put 'em on the grill all at once, and eat till we drop. We combine our meals out of all types of burgers, ribs, saucages, steaks,... Pig, poultry, beef all in once. Turning on the Q for one type of meat is simply not done. And if we do it, it's when friends come over, never for a person or two.
My girlfriend and I Q'ed two days ago, with her dad. I managed the Q and tought I did a good job. All he said was that he didn't like my way of doing it and it made me realy insecure. Shall I try Q'ing one type of meat and focus on it, or shall I keep this habbit, I don't know,... All she said was that it was a great meal But it made me wondering how you guys do it!
So, I'm curious? What's your story?
Sorry for the long post, but have a nice day!
Greetings, Floris
I'd like to start a conversation about your country's habbits when it comes to BBQ and grilling. I'd like to know how you guys do it?

For example, I live in Belgium. Yes, the tiny country in Europe, famous for it's beer and chocolate. And I'm proud of it! But when it comes to the BBQ, i'm less proud. Many people use electric and gas grill's. As far as my grilling and BBQ-knowledge goes, and that's not a lot, those are great to get your dinnerplates preheated before you put your meat on 'em that you just prepared on your charcoal Q. Not try'ing to pick on ppl, but that's my opinion, sorry pro's!

When it comes to picking meat, we are a bit different I guess. I've red some books about BBQ and grilling in the past, and those describe one type of meat/fish on the grill at a time... In Belgium, BBQ and grilling are the same... Only a handfull of people know terms like "Low and Slow", or even a "dry rub" or "indirect" makes their head spin...
When we Q, we pick a dozen of types of meat, put 'em on the grill all at once, and eat till we drop. We combine our meals out of all types of burgers, ribs, saucages, steaks,... Pig, poultry, beef all in once. Turning on the Q for one type of meat is simply not done. And if we do it, it's when friends come over, never for a person or two.
My girlfriend and I Q'ed two days ago, with her dad. I managed the Q and tought I did a good job. All he said was that he didn't like my way of doing it and it made me realy insecure. Shall I try Q'ing one type of meat and focus on it, or shall I keep this habbit, I don't know,... All she said was that it was a great meal But it made me wondering how you guys do it!

So, I'm curious? What's your story?
Sorry for the long post, but have a nice day!
Greetings, Floris