9 LB Pork Loin


Tim Harris Sr.

TVWBB Member
Happy Fathers Day everyone!

I have a 9 LB Pork loin with a nice layer of fat on 1 side that I would like to Smoke but I have never done one before.

I have a 22.5 WSM so I was thinking about cutting it in half, rubbing in mustard and applying my dry rub...slow cooking it at 225-250 Till it reaches 140 degrees internal temp.. Then taking off the grill, Folil, wrap in towel, and put in a cooler for an hr..

Does anyone have any suggestions? Should I put water in the pan or no?

How long appx do you think it would take to get to temp at these ranges?

Thank you everyone for your responses!
You won't need any water IMO. I doubt it'll take more than 2 hours, loins cook pretty quickly, just be sure you keep an eye on it because they can dry out if you go past 150 internally. Also, an hours rest is more than enough. I would pull at 145 if it were me.

