8lb rib-eye roast....


Johnny P

TVWBB Member
I just picked up an 8lb rib-eye for tommorrow night, how long and what temp should I cook it on my wsm, aiming for medium-rare. This will be my 3rd cook on the wsm first two were back ribs.
Click on the cooking tab above. There is good information on cooking a prime rib in the beef section.
Thanks Jerry, I just read those articles, I will cook at around 325-350 if I can get it that hot on this cold winter day. Two questions still, I have a boneless roast so I think that should cut down on cooking time a fair bit? And instead of an 8lb roast I'm gonna do 2 x 6 pounders on top rack, would you estimate approx 2 - 2.5 hours cook time to rare to med-rare? thanks.
I'd estimate less than that: 1.5-2 hours. It will depend on the actual cook temp though, as you suspect, and could go longer. Give yourself time; you can always cut the cooktemp to slow down the cooking if needed and/or wrap and hold/rest.
Thanks Kevin, your estimate was bang on, I took em off after one hour and forty-five minutes for perfect medium rare.

