Saturday went off without much of a hitch! Prepped the gator by cleaning out fat deposits in tail and cavity, stuffed tail with pork and jalapeno boudin, cream cheese and bacon. I then covered it with a pork rub and bbq rub, went on the smoker at noon and hit 165 at 5:30. Slathered with BBQ sauce and then a redneck brûlée, by hitting it with weed burner to caramelize. People ate it as fast as I could cut it up and not a single person said it was anything but excellent! Even the ones that I didn't think would touch it, loved it. I would say the tail is closest to pork tenderloin.
Also did pork belly burnt ends that were outstanding as well, starting at 1:00 and done at 4:30. They were also devoured in short order.
The pulled pork that I made on Thursday reheated perfectly and about 2/3rds of the 8 butts that I made was eaten. So lots of leftovers!
The minor hitches... The smoker that I borrowed was a pain keeping it near the 275 range I was targeting. Real easy to hit +350 very fast and would drop like a stone when fuel got low. There was no adjustable damper or vents! There were 2 grease drains on the bottom, so I regulated that by stuffing tinfoil in those and had to plug other gaps with tinfoil as well. I put lit charcoal in the 4 corners and had a chimney ready to go to add fuel when needed. It worked fine, just a lot of babysitting. The other hitch was I used the WSM to do the burnt ends and I had the water pan drop, putting out most of my coals... Half hour PITA...
Other than those 2 little issues everything turned out great! Thanks for the advise and well wishes from everyone!
BTW, got the gator and boudin from LA Crawfish. I've gotten crawfish from them many times before. Unfortunately the WDNR will not allow shipping of live mudbugs to Wisconsin anymore...