

Len Dennis

TVWBB Diamond Member

Sorry Len, I was totally indifferent about the AL teams until I saw a replay of the bat flip, that's kids stuff.
Go Royals!
Plus there's only one Missouri team left in this thing.
Bautista needs to take lessons from Tom Lawless.
Lawless hit only 2 home runs in his 8 year career, only one as a Cardinal.
My wife and I were in attendance, she was pregnant with our son, it was a chilly night for game 4 of the 1987 World Series.
A series eventually lost to the Twins.

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Jose's always been an emotional guy. I doubt he would have done it so "exuberantly" if the Texas 3rd run hadn't happened the way it did. Having 50,000 people p.o.'d kinda fueled the flames.

And without taking a poll, it seems that most people (looking at US sources) are on board with the flip. It was a natural outcome of so much tension around "the incident". Naturally, CDN papers are all on board with the excitement of the moment. Here is a clip from a sports writer at USATODAY making a pretty good point:

(From MLB itselt) They added on to his existing nickname, Joey Bats, and gave him a brand new nickname, Joey Bat Flip, all while proudly sharing video of the play. The league itself is telling its fans that this is a play to be celebrated, to be enjoyed.

The league isn’t dumb. MLB executives watch the NBA, see how its cultivated its stars, let them express themselves, let them be original out on the court. There’s a reason most 14-year-old kids in this country know who James Harden is and very few would recognize Paul Goldschmidt on the street. NBA players are encouraged to have their own style. It’s part of the game. Players play on a team, of course, but individuality isn’t stifled.
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I couldn't believe those fans were throwing stuff on the field like that.
I am a Texas Rangers fan and considering we had "no chance" to get into the playoffs at the all-star break it was a pretty good season.
a 150+ game baseball season can go down the drain with some dumb errors in one half inning...

Congrats to the blue jays. Good luck the rest of the way.
I couldn't believe those fans were throwing stuff on the field like that.

Don't know about football or b.b but it happens all the time in hockey. Both here and in the US. They didn't use to allow cans in there, only plastic cups. Guess they're going to re-think that one after this.
And BTW, I think the ump (and hq) call WAS the right one. The ball was still live when Martin tossed it back and Odor scored. Ump only called time after it made that left turn and Odor had trotted in. The run should (and did) count.

I think the bigger story though is what Tommy mentioned: 3 errors in one inning by the Rangers. It was the start of the end and like all season, the Jays capitalized on the other teams' mistakes.
I think the bigger story though is what Tommy mentioned: 3 errors in one inning by the Rangers. It was the start of the end and like all season, the Jays capitalized on the other teams' mistakes.

I do not want to take an ounce of credit away from the Bluejays because they really do have a fantastic team and deserved to win the series. The announcer during the game said it best about the 3 errors "you play with fire long enough and you will get burned." I'm not saying the rangers would of won had errors not happened but what a 7th inning! That HR was absolutely crushed.

I umped little league for 5 years during high school and college and never experienced anything like the top of the 7th. I think they got it right but the home plate ump should not of called time as the runner was taking home. I think the umps did a great job and got it right but if I were the Jays manager I would of been upset the ump called time and argue his infielders stopped play because of it. I don't think they could of made a play but that would of been my argument!
The Bautista bat flip was completely classless. That does not belong in pro ball.

A lot of folks disagree. There are many news articles (including reports from MLB itself) glad that it happened. It has the effect of "lightening up" a sport that some say is too boring with nothing happening for long periods. Not true witness what happened in a half inning last night.

There Was Nothing Wrong Whatsoever With That Jose Bautista Bat Flip
Sean Gregory @seanmgregory 12:18 AM ET
Division Series - Texas Rangers v Toronto Blue Jays - Game Five

Jose Bautista #19 of the Toronto Blue Jays throws his bat up in the air after he hits a three-run home run in the seventh inning against the Texas Rangers in game five of the American League Division Series at Rogers Centre on October 14, 2015 in Toronto, Canada.
Toronto's Jose Bautista hurled his stick at the plate after belting an epic home run. Fogies may cry bad sportsmanship. Here's why it was wonderful.

Jose Bautista’s bat flip—it was more of an chuck, or hurl, or even a hammer-throw—was louder than the Rogers Centre crowd that cheered his monstrous home run, the deciding three-run blast in Toronto’s 6-3 victory over the Texas Rangers, which clinched the Division Series for the Blue Jays. It was a work of raging joy. If you were to translate it into words, some unprintable phrases would appear on the page—”Bleep yeah,” or maybe more to the point, “Bleep you, Texas Rangers, for trying to end our season on a fluke.”

And why no comment about Yoenis flip this past monday??

I know, I know. Baseball has always had this "You don't do that sort of thing" but times change. Other sports with much more action (of a sort) like soccer are sucking kids away. My grandson (6 yr) only wanted to play soccer this year. When asked what he wanted to next year, "baseball". Was that because of the excitement we seen over the past few days? Dunno. Just glad to see it.
I've been a baseball fan for over 60 years and if players start showboating, like many football players do, then I'll no longer watch.
If it's "too boring" then I say don't watch the games, hockey season is plenty long.
Please let us have our sport where the individual's egos, for the most part, are kept in check.
I've been a baseball fan for over 60 years and if players start showboating, like many football players do, then I'll no longer watch.
If it's "too boring" then I say don't watch the games, hockey season is plenty long.
Please let us have our sport where the individual's egos, for the most part, are kept in check.

Just like any sport, they have to keep changing things to keep the interest of younger people. When they're so used to instant (well, sort of instant) gratification with their video games, it's tough to get them interested in something as a spectator (or player) that takes 2 1/2, 3, 4, 5 or more hours to play to get 1 run to win.

How many kids enjoyed sitting through 14 innings the other day? Fans did I'm sure, the kids? Not so much.

And I would add, I doubt it's the winning fans who are complaining about the theatrics.

Personally, I thought all the jumping up and down like little kids (both the Jays and the Royals as well in their series) was too undignified (more so than the bat toss being showboating). It's okay to have back slapping and hand shaking and high fives but jumping around like they're on pogo sticks?

But that's just my opinion and it counts for squat.

You know what they say about opinions, right? ;)

edit-->in a slight change of sport, what about what they're trying in hockey for a 3 man overtime? I absolutely hate having a time-limited overtime. And what's worse? The shoot out. To have one player (well two goaltenders) deciding who wins and who loses? The team concept goes out the door with that. But it's to draw in more fans, to keep them interested. But I digress.
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again as Rangers fan I was not really upset about the bat flip.

I think in general people that do not like the bat flips, endzone dances etc do not like them because it draws attention away from the team and on to the individual. Jumping up and down after the series does not bother people because its a team celebration. After a touch down if the whole team runs over and high 5's the guy no one cares because its the whole team celebrating together.

In baseball you have the "unwritten rules" that basically say a bat flip or something similar is showing up the pitcher and being disrespectful. If a defensive lineman sacked Tom Brady and while he was on the ground the defensive player stood over him and talked trash/made gestures there would be an issue from Tom, his team and the league.

Sports get emotional but the old school crowd likes the team aspect of the games.
Well said Tommy.

I love it when a batter stands at the plate watching what he is sure is a home run, only to see it fall short, then has to take off running.
Best I can recall the Lawless home run just barely cleared.
I always admired that Scott Rolen never stood, flipped bats, or strutted the bases, ever.
Even on his first major league homer.

Haven't watched a baseball game in 50 years, if it's the right color on the wall I'd rather watch paint dry.
Bob, you're bang on (pun intended) :D . Boxing lessons may be what they should be doing on their travel days.

