4 butts

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Billy Hammond

I have used my weber now many times and have yet to ever use the bottom grill. In fact its never been in the smoker. Im going to be doing 4 butts this week for folks at work and was wondering if I need to do anything different than what Ive been doing for 2 butts on the top rack. Which rack of meat do I monitor for internal temp etc.? Thanks as always..Hoping you all have a wonderful wonderful Holiday season....
If you are using water in the pan, the lower rack runs cooler than the top. If you are using sand in the pan, the lower rack will tend to cook a little faster.
In either case, rotate the ones on the top to the bottom (and vice versa, of course) mid-cook to even things out with an eye towards all 4 being done in a somewhat-similar timeframe.
Thanks guys...Also,,when I do two butts, I usually check the one thats slightly heavier for internal temp. The time for those two have never been much longer than with just one. With four I would imagine cook time will increase by a bit huh?
Not really. Only the little bit of extra time ramping up to your target cooking temp. Don't skimp on the fuel on a 4-butt cook-- load that charcoal ring up with unlit briquets using the Minion Method-- or you'll be up adding fuel later on.
Doug, in theory I think you're absolutely right, but this weekend I cooked three 8lb. picnics (before trimming the skin/fat), and they took over 18 hours to finish up with the top grate running an average of 240-245 degrees. Took an hour and a half to get up to temp, but even so I would've thought it would be more like 14 or 15 hours. Maybe just part of the "it's done when it's done" phenomenon, but generally when I put multiple cuts on it takes a bit longer than it would otherwise.
Just did four this weekend. Two on top, two on the bottom. Larger two on top (Not really much difference in size, a pound or so maybe). Started 5:30 Sat. nite, all four done 10:30 Sun. morning. Total weight was 30 lbs. So only about an hour longer than my normal cook for one or two 8 lb butts.
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