3 to 6 months to get my WSM! This is torture....



New member
So I am a military member in Germany, and I got into smoking with a kettle and the smokenator 1000....now I'm hooked! So I decided I wanted the WSM 22.5. I looked online and no websites will ship here, so I found it on the PX website and they wouldn't ship here either. What to do? I called them up and they said that if I went in to the store they could order it for me, I was so excited! so the next day I went in and ordered it. That is when I got the bad news on how long it was going to take to get here. I am so excited but bummed out at the same time because I want it so bad..... Hope it gets here sooner. I really want to smoke a turkey for thanksgiving......
Oh, that is a bummer! Hopefully you can read all about barbecue on the WSM here in the forums to tide you over until your 22.5" arrives!

Good luck,
Take a road trip to Sweden....And get it the same day....Bring me 40 cases of beer and i pay for the trip + the beer. Sounds like an awesome deal to me ;)
Thank you four your service!!!!!
While you are waiting for your WSM you can smoke a turkey in the kettle using the snake method. However I would hook up with wolgast!!! Sound like fun.

So I am a military member in Germany, and I got into smoking with a kettle and the smokenator 1000....now I'm hooked! So I decided I wanted the WSM 22.5. I looked online and no websites will ship here, so I found it on the PX website and they wouldn't ship here either. What to do? I called them up and they said that if I went in to the store they could order it for me, I was so excited! so the next day I went in and ordered it. That is when I got the bad news on how long it was going to take to get here. I am so excited but bummed out at the same time because I want it so bad..... Hope it gets here sooner. I really want to smoke a turkey for thanksgiving......
Oh, I guess it is coming via the classic slow boat! Is there anyone in the states who could buy it, and ship it to you? It's a darn shame you have to wait that long.

Thank you for your service, and welcome to TVWB!
Take a road trip to Sweden....And get it the same day....Bring me 40 cases of beer and i pay for the trip + the beer. Sounds like an awesome deal to me ;)

Wow it does sound like a good deal! I looked it up you are about 12.5 hours drive away. And I have never been to Sweden. The only problem might be that I'm not sure I can fit 40 racks of beer in my truck and it's a big truck!
Thank you for all your support! It's nice to know that we still have great americans that appreciate what we do.

Chris, I have been looking on tvwbb for about a month or so and I have to say it is a great source of info and it was definitely a huge factor on my decision to get a WSM.

Van, I will have to look for "the snake method" if I dont have it by then! Thanks.

Vern, I did consider having someone from the States fedex it for me but it is just to costly and the wife would of shot me down on that one!

Jerry, I think I would have to rent a moving truck to be able to carry 40 racks of beer to Sweden! lol I think it would be fun though.....

Rick, I think I've watched every youtube video on the WSM...I cant wait because I know that I wont be dissapointed.

I have ordered some furniture from the PX before and they told me that it would take 3 to 6 months and it arrived in 1 month so lets hope it happens then same for the WSM!
I do stuff like this all the time for my overseas friends. It's just freaking expensive to ship it. Costs me $50 for shipping for $50 brake pads from autozone.
I'm talking about someone stateside shipping it through APO, the military post office which if I remember costs the same as USPS. I'd think you could do it for 30 bucks but not sure, it's been awhile.
I shipped boxed up my son's bike and shipped it to germany it cost 86.00 and it took 4.5 months to get here! So I might as well wait to the PX to get it in and I only paid 50.00 shipping.
So I called today and it was shipped on Sep 19th, lets see how long it takes to get here. Meanwhile I smoked a whole chicken today on the performer with the smokenator 1000, it turned out great but it was a lot of work to maintain temp...... hope the WSM gets here soon!
I am finally a proud owner of a 22.5 WSM! after a long wait (almost 2 months) it has finally arrived. Cant wait to fire her up.
Jose...it will be worth the wait....enjoy the holiday's in Germany...I too spent 5 yrs there while I was serving...I enjoyed every minute of it. K-Town!...What unit are you with I was part of the 7th Corp deployment to Dersert Storm a few year back ....! Happy Vets day to you soon!
Kim, thanks. I am actually a Navy recruiter. I am definitely smoking a turkey for thanksgiving. Thank you for your service and Happy Veterans day to you!
Jose,first of all,thank you for your service!
Second,I would SOOOO road trip to meet D Wolgast!
Lastly,you know how the army is. Hurry up and wait!
Woohooo! First smoke underway, a 3 pound butt, 2 pound pork belly and 2 racks of spare ribs.... some yummy food later today coming up. So far the temp is right where I wanted to be. Will update later.
3 hours in and I haven't had to do nothing to maintain temp! This is what I am talking about, threw the ribs in about an hour ago. I think the pork belly should be good to go in about an hour or so.....

