2nd Smoke-Pork Shoulder



New member
Started my second smoke today. Cooking a 9lb Butt and 3 slabs of spares. I started the cooker at 0430 this morning and had the shoulder on at 0500. Used a whole bag of Kingsford, and a few chunks of apple and cherry wood. These are my ribs (wont rub them til closer to cook time) and the butt all rubbed and ready to roll!!!


I let the shoulder cook for about 4 hours before I took a peek. I set my CyberQ for 230. The pit has been running at about 250, so I am OK with that. Right now the pit is at 246, and the meat is registering at an average of 171 (I have two meat probes in different spots). This is the shoulder at 4 hours.

What are those pictures of ? Cant see anything =)
Oh wait...........looks like my ex after a day at the beach.


I had one slab on the top and two on the bottom. The shoulder was on the top too...
I apologize for the pics, the first ones were small and the second set never displayed. I tried to fix but couldnt....

