2nd Mini cook, 7lb shoulder



New member
Well this cook is going much better than the first. I think a lot has to do with learning the pitfalls and how to react to changes. Temps have remained almost perfect on 225-230 the entire time (10hrs so far). I started it at 1 am, which is a huge help, i think im in a stall at the moment, been stuck around 176 for quite some time now. My plan for this one was that I had all day and have no problem sitting here letting it cook until it tells me its ready. I pulled my first butt off at 195 and im thinking of 200-205 for this one. Will update later, cheers to a happy sunday!

I look forward to hearing how it goes Matt. I'm a newbie also and like you am learning. I've gotten a lot of good advice and tips from this site. Happy cooking and have a great Sunday.
205! In the cooler now resting. Will take some pictures when its ready. When i picked it up out of the smoker it pulled in half........hopefully in a good way and not a mushy way

