2nd Degree Burns - Am I the only one? (Long)

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with adding the water to the WSM .. i took all of your advise and i bought myself a metal watering can with a long neck...its works great.. i can even add warm water in it without perhaps melting and i can stick it in the WSM withought woring about the spout melting....much better than the other ways and the possible burn situation....feel better guys.. ouch
Sam, I haven't burned myself (so far) but I did wrench my back picking up and moving an ECB. They tell you to keep the load close to your body when you lift... but if the load is a pan full of burning charcoal, your natural tendency is to hold it at arm's length. So I hobbled around for a month as a result. The worst part was that I work as a safety consultant. So my thought wasn't just"Stupid!" it was, "Stupid! You get paid to tell people not to do this kind of thing."

Switching to the larger Brinkmann pan will help avoid such mishaps in the future. You might also consider bending or otherwise modifying the ends of the brackets (there was a thread some time ago on the subject) to make it harder for the lip of the pan to slip off. The Brinkmann pan's lip is turned down at the edge, so putting a small sheet metal screw in the end of each bracket would almost lock the pan into place (as far as side-to-side movement goes).
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