26.5" Kettle


Gary S

I have been looking at the 26.75" Weber Kettle. I see it is 2" deeper than the 22". Been thinking about it for some smoking in addition to my WSM. I really like how my Christmas Turkey turned out in the 22 but would have preferred to lift the turkey a little higher out of the coles.
One thing I noticed when reading reviews on this model was how many owners received theirs damaged. Weber service looked after everyone but I found that interesting. The only one I have seen on display was damaged as well. Porcelain missing on the lip of the kettle body.

Would appreciate any comments from owners using the 26.75. If I buy one I would want to make shelves or a table for it. I don't really need the extra cooking space as much as I like the added clearance.
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I purchased the 26.75" last fall and, yep, the lid porcelain was chipped and the ash bucket was out of round. Yes, Weber took care of the problems and I now have an extra, slightly chipped lid and a complete slightly out of round one touch system.

In spite of these problems I have not regretted my purchase. The lid holder works smoothly and DOES NOT scratch the lid. I love the extra grill room (cook a lot with CI skillets) and the stainless steel food grate. I had an old camp table that I scooted up next to the grill and use as a prep area. I am going to get a cast iron or cast aluminum cooking grate to place on the stainless steel grate for searing steaks and chops.

All in all, I recommend it
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actually, i am surprised the 26 inch kettle does not outsell the 22 inch...
but then, folks DO say, "i don't need that size grill" or,
"it's only me and the wife" or
"for that amount of money i could buy a __________."

I LOVE the 26 inch kettle. it's too versatile NOT to have it.
i believe EVERYONE should own an 18" kettle, a 22" kettle AND a 26" kettle. (and, at least an 18" WSM :wsm: )
Is the distance from coal grate to cooking grate two inches more, or is the bowl simply two inches deeper?


The distance to the dome is two inches higher from the grill at least that's what I have read. The charcoal grate to the grill is the same distance on both as far as I know. Only recently have I again started to smoke with the kettle. I can manage the heat better with the kettle when it comes to cooking at higher temps and I think it uses less fuel to boot.

Jim thanks for your comments, what "No Ranch Kettle?? I have gathered a few CI pans and griddles including two D/O's. On my 22 I have the removable centre grill for CI or whatever. It's really handy. I think if I buy a 26 I will have to make something up as I have really gotten used to the side tables on my OTP.
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I did not realize there were so many complaints about this model. WOW! Maybe I looked at the wrong web-site but I just finished reviewing 4 pages of comments from Amazon customers.

There is a very frequent issue of the lid burning your under arm. Makes sense when you think about the size. I wonder why not change the lid to the style of the OTP and put the handle on the front of the lid?

I was more interested in the 26 because of it's overall depth and space for fire brick mods than the actual grilling surface but after reading the comments, I'm not so sure.
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I bought a 26.75" back in 2009 when it was first reintroduced to the market. I like the large space available for direct and indirect cooking. I like how the lid holder works (I've gotten pretty good at sweeping off the lid into the holder one-handed) and I've never burned my arm in the process.

I highly recommend a 26.75" kettle.

Gary, I do not own a 26" kettle, and cannot make a recommendation on it. However, if your goal is limited to additional clearance, you can accomplish that for less $ through the use of a rotisserie ring on your 22".
Gary, I do not own a 26" kettle, and cannot make a recommendation on it. However, if your goal is limited to additional clearance, you can accomplish that for less $ through the use of a rotisserie ring on your 22".

Thanks Kevin. I have the Weber Rotisserie but the ring does not fit tight enough for what I want. I have thought about a gasket but did not come up with a real good plan to make that work. I have also thought about this new Cajun Bandit extension too. That's why I'm exploring various possiblities.
I bought a 26.75" back in 2009 when it was first reintroduced to the market. I like the large space available for direct and indirect cooking. I like how the lid holder works (I've gotten pretty good at sweeping off the lid into the holder one-handed) and I've never burned my arm in the process.

I highly recommend a 26.75" kettle


+1, especially on the never burning your arm part.
Great topic. Already own a WSM 22.5. Absolutely love it. It is my first ever Weber purchase. Hopefully many more to come!!

I recently won the season long football pool and work and can now justify getting a new grill :cool:. Looking at the OTG and trying to decide between the 22.5 and 26.75. It's my wife and I plus four kids between 3 and 13. As they get bigger I'm assuming I'll need more space. I'd also like more space for when we have family/friends over. With the price of the 26.75 double that of the 22.5, does it make more sense to just buy two of the 22.5's and only use the second one when needed? In the end, I get more cooking space for the same amount of money and I could also diversify and direct grill on one and indirect grill on the other at the same time. Many of the reviews I read say that the legs and wheels that come with the 26.75 are the same as come with the 22.5 and that they have problems/issues with the extra weight. The only bonus I see with the 26.75 is that you get the lid holder and the lid thermometer.


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Many of the reviews I read say that the legs and wheels that come with the 26.75 are the same as come with the 22.5 and that they have problems/issues with the extra weight. The only bonus I see with the 26.75 is that you get the lid holder and the lid thermometer.



From a 2012 26.75 owner...

No problems with the extra weight at all. The legs are basically same as the 22.5 - so is the ash catcher (Weber leverages lots of reuse in all it's charcoal grills and smokers). The wheels for the larger kettle, I believe, are bigger.

As far as the bonuses of the 26.75 vs 22.5 OTG, besides the 150 additional square inches of cooking space the larger grill also comes with a stainless steel cooking grate and two large charcoal baskets. I doubt there's any additional space between the cooking grate and dome, since the 26.75s grate sits higher in the bowl.
From a 2012 26.75 owner...

I doubt there's any additional space between the cooking grate and dome, since the 26.75s grate sits higher in the bowl.

The distance from the charcoal grate to the grill is 5 inches which is the same as the 22. The charcoal grate is 22 inches in diameter as compared to the 22 at 18" so if you are using a fire brick arrangement for coals or setting up difference heat zones there is added space. I looked closely at one today and took my measuring tape.
I have the OTP and any complaint about the 26 would have been easily overcome in the OTP frame however since that version is not available it not an option. I did find the lid somewhat awkward and I was not impressed watching the leg bases flexing if you jiggled the 26. My OTP is rock solid and I guess I have gotten used to that feel. I am interested in the 26 for it's overall depth and indirect cooking possibilities given the extra space it offers but I'm still not sure I will go with it. I really do like my OTP. I also like the Performer. It's like anything else...different strokes for different folks.
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There is two inches more distance between the grill and the dome. The distance from the charcoal grate to the grill is 5 inches which is the same as the 22. The charcoal grate is 22 inches in diameter as compared to the 22 at 18" so if you are using a fire brick arrangement for coals or setting up difference heat zones there is added space. I looked closely at one today and took my measuring tape.
I have the OTP and any complaint about the 26 would have been easily overcome in the OTP frame however since that version is not available it not an option. I did find the lid somewhat awkward and I was not impressed watching the leg bases flexing if you jiggled the 26. My OTP is rock solid and I guess I have gotten used to that feel. I am interested in the 26 for it's overall depth and indirect cooking possibilities given the extra space it offers but I'm still not sure I will go with it. I really do like my OTP. I also like the Performer. It's like anything else...different strokes for different folks.

The extra two inches of clearance is yet another thumbs up going to the big kettle. I got my 26.75 for only one reason - it cost me a buck eighty ($180) brand new in the box. Was missing the thermo and bezel but a call to Weber and I had them both next day Fedex. I've cooked on it two times in six months and will probably gift it to my mom or sister this spring.

I regularly cook for no more than four.......but for those 1-2 times a year when I'm cooking for a large group (18-20 or more), I have two kamados that can more than get the job done.
Almost all the cooking I do on my Weber kettles is indirect. So when you figure that I'm only using two-thirds of the cooking area, it's tough to cook for more than four people on the 22" grill. But that's what a second Weber kettle is for... and a third... and a fourth... But I like my 26" kettle as well.

Thanks to everyone for the input. One more quick question if I may. What is the amount of charcoal needed in the 22.5 vs the 26.75 for direct grilling. I read on another site that you need two chimneys full for the 26.75. Does that sound correct?

