24 hours of butts, beef ribs & baby backs



TVWBB All-Star
A couple weeks back I cooked a case of butts for someone to portion and freeze for use later. Ended up with a 70# case of 8 butts. Final yield after pulling was right at 35 lbs.

Headed up to the lake house on Friday afternoon and got them cooking..


My uncle made some jerk wings and pork chops for dinner on Friday.


Next morning/day:




There were 2 of us pulling and 2 of us vacuum sealing, so no extra hands for pictures. Wish I had got a picture of the 35x 1# packs.

While at restaurant depot I noticed some nice size beef ribs for only $2.50/ lb, so I grabbed them to throw on the smoker after the butts came off for dinner Saturday night. Well since the smoker was already going, a neighbor game over with 4 racks of baby backs. They just put S&P on them. Ran the beef ribs at 275° for about 5 hours and then foiled for an hour. Back on the smoker for about 15 mins to set the bark.





They came out wonderful, almost like brisket on a stick. I used S&P, ancho, gran garlic/onion and some herbs de provence but I was missing a sweetness in my rub, so I will add that next time.



1 rib is easily a serving. I went for 2, and it was a mistake, but a tasty one. The pack came with 4x 4 rib sections at around 15 or so lbs, total was $35. At 16 servings of these for only ~$2 / person I will be making these again.

Thanks for looking.
I will be making these again.
No kiddin'??!!
AWESOME Cookin' Josh! All Around!!

I've seen mighty meaty beef ribs butt those you got here are the BOSS!
gonna hafta go to the local restaurant depot ta see if they gottem!
Thanks Jim.

gonna hafta go to the local restaurant depot ta see if they gottem!

This was back on the 7th, but they had these ribs for around $2.50/# and then they had some even larger, but they were $3.00/#. Wish I had taken a picture of the label.
Great looking couple of cooks Josh! Question for you is how many butts fit onto your smoker? It looks an 18 and I have been "volunteered"
to do 6 butts for a benefit dinner on the 9th of July, so hopefully I will be able to get them all on there. They will be 8 pounders.
That was my 22". I dropped the lower grate on mine and added a middle grate. I can cram 4x 10# butts per rack, so 12 x 10 = 120 lbs, the most I have done so far.

I can get 3x 8# butts per grate on the 18". They may touch a little bit, but its butts so that's fine. With 48 lbs of cold meat, the 18" will take a little longer to get up to your desired temp, but once you are there it will cook about the same as normal. You may use a little more coals getting up to temp.

If you cook without water (as I do) the bottom butts cook faster than the top. Usually I try to put the larger ones on the bottom so the even out, but all of the larger ones don't always fit on 1 grate.
Great smoking Josh! I have had a craving for some beef ribs lately, but the ones I looked at yeasterday didn't look great and I passed. I will need to check a larger store. I hope mine come out that good. Great job!
Josh busy weekend and a great cook, I have been doing Babybacks and have not done any beef ribs in ages,but now I have the urge.
Man JS, You covered everything in fine manner and looks like you did it in God's Country! Excellent!

