2014 Weber Summit 470 Restore

I need help. I put back the control panel and noticed one of the knob LEDs was not working. One of the resistors came off. It looks like either gold black purple yellow or gold black blue yellow. This thing is really small. Here is a pic with flash and w/o flash. What size do I need to replace it? Thanks
With Flash

Without flash
I hope you get asking. That’s a heck of a flip.
Thanks - I doubt it. I just figured it is much easier to come down than up. I'll see if there is any interest, if not I'll drop until it sells. One of my first flips about 2 years ago was the same grill. I bought it for 375 and sold it for 825. But 2 years ago I think a new 470 was under 2k not 2700.
Late to chime in, but you did an outstanding job on that Summit! (y)That model is not one of my favorites, but you certainly have made it appealing. I hope you get a buyer who understands the difference between one that has been well restored vs. just “used.”
Could I send you all the parts and $500 to make my 670 look that good? o_O
Yes I would be happy to. Coming to VA anytime soon? We could do it together;-) However if you want to have some fun and just need some guidance we all are here to help. Nothing was too hard for a DIYer with a grinder, Sawzall, PB blaster, and some time. The hardest parts was just getting it apart, and cleaning the keeper parts.
Yes I would be happy to. Coming to VA anytime soon? We could do it together;-) However if you want to have some fun and just need some guidance we all are here to help. Nothing was too hard for a DIYer with a grinder, Sawzall, PB blaster, and some time. The hardest parts was just getting it apart, and cleaning the keeper parts.
Thanks, I trudged through this on my own with very slow progress. I never came here during my tear-down - but should have. It’s become a lost cause with a completely rusted out cabinet and doors. Just going to sell all the parts Weber sent me at this point and move on with the 2022 Genesis I picked up.
It is funny how it has been advertised for almost a month and 3 people contacted me about in the last few days. I think I am done until spring. I do think that the roaring market of the last couple of years is a thing of the past, but I will still look for grills to save that are not too far away.
Hopefully this is a short blip in demand. End of season and limited discretionary spending combined.

I think it's also slowed new purchases of new grills and smokers leading to fewer free or cheap used grills being offered.

