2012 KCBS Chicken Champion Harry Soo uses no wood

...AND the residual smoke flavor that the WSM takes on during and after a smoke. He does put wood in, but ONLY at the start of the smoke. Brisket & Pork, followed by Ribs, then Chicken.

KCBS judges do not like excessive smoke flavor! And chicken takes on smoke extremely easy. Just the hint of smoke 'aroma' is enough to flavor the chicken.

My wife likes less smoke than a CBJ :) I cooked 2 chickens in my WSM with no wood at all. But my wife accused me of sneaking a few chunks of wood in during the cook. So the WSM does have residual smoke flavor and chicken will suck i up for sure.
Hi Chris...

Understand completely ;) Sometimes, less is more.

(why isn't there a Thumbs Up "smiley" available when you need it...)

It's my feeling that if you use a WSM or kettle that you've smoked on many times, you will have "some" smoke flavor without adding any wood at all. There are times when doing chicken that I don't feel a need to add wood, and it comes out just fine.

