

Jim Lampe

TVWBB 1-Star Olympian
One pound of ground chuck, half pound of Italian sausage, pound of applewood smoked bacon and mild Wisconsin Cheddar cheese (it was on sale and the sharp was not, I'm cheap)

All of the above are ingredients of these:

I did season these "MOINKS" with Penzey's Galena Street Seasoning before they looked like this:

Anyway, Moinks on top, pork steaks underneath.

PS cooking bout two hours at 250'F with Penzey's BBQ3000 for flavour. The PS were brined earlier in water, apple cider vinegar with salt and pepper with garlic and thin sliced limes. In this brine approximately 7 hours.
Ova half way thru, fired up the 26"er for corn and Pattypan squash (Sunburst, Cibleme, Scallopini, Button, Granny or White squash, depending where you're from).

Ok... enough chatter...
The Moinks are done...

Pattypans are done...

...and the cobbed corn is ready to eet...

....and lemme tellya that local corn from Manny's Farms of neighboring Muskego is yuuummmAeeeee! Best This Year! I will go back for more

So, the pork steaks that took about 2 hours at 250'F and the Moinks (that we ate earlier [and liz wants to save the rest for pasta tomorrow]), the corn and patty's panSquash... well, we plated it all up and this is it:

And for those that'll say, "Where's your 2nd plate?" ... tada!


I hope everyone enjoyed this spectacular weekend, I surely did (stop calling me Shirley!).
I thank you for taking time to view this post, your comments good (AND not so good) ARE truly appreciated.
Sleep well if you do.

now, let's have a 'tini...
What a great looking dinner. Nice homemade moinks! Corn looks perfect.
What's replaced the pimento in your olive? Garlic?
Simply Superb Jim!
Everything looks great!

Question section:
1- pork steaks- will you marinate again, did it seem to add to the taste and/or tenderness?

2- pattypans- did they hold up to the heat better than zukes? (I don't like grilled limpy zukes much anymore)

3-pattypans- never had em'- so is the flavor about like zukes?


I'd drive the 7 or so hours for a meal like that!
thank you everyone

JerseyJoe, yup, garlic...keeps the vampires away

don't know if i'll brine again but i think it helped keep the pork tender... they were good.
butt i think next time i'll do them this way, "...grilled ...then placed in a pan with the Maull's sauce which is usually cut with beer...then.. simmered for some additional time." or i would like to try the Wishbone Spicy French Dressing marinade...
Pattypans are GREAT on the grille AND do hold up better than sliced zucchini. I prefer PP over zukes butt not always available (found these at a local farmers fruit and veggie stand).
Bob, you're ALWAYS invited
*looking at the thread title*
Your English teacher would be appalled.

*looking at pictures within thread*
Your Home Ec teacher would be overjoyed.

I guess we'll call it a wash.

I happen to have a decent command over both the English language and the grill...and in this particular instance, **** good grammar.

That's some mighty fine looking grub right there.
I think those are the best lookin' moinks I've seen anywhere! Nice job. That martini looks mighty good, as well. Thanks for sharing.

