1st ever pork loin...my way


Tony R

TVWBB 1-Star Olympian
This is my first ever pork loin and in my opinion the best I ever had since I have nothing to compare it too. Here we go. My process I hope it's some what right. :)

Seasoned with garlic,onion powder, black pepper and sea salt. Chopped half and onion and some cilantro and marinated for 4 hours. I seared it on both sides.

In a Pan with the other half of onion and more cilantro and 1 cup of boiling water.

Smoked for about an hour and 30 min with oak wood chunks.

Done when it hit 155 and rested for 35 min. I was timing it so when my wife got back from work. She was running late.

Plated with salad. Thanks for looking ladies and gentlemen. By the way it was juicy and tender.
Great looking plate of food Tony! I usually pull pork loin at 145, but I'm not gonna argue with those juicy slices in that last pic!
Great looking plate of food Tony! I usually pull pork loin at 145, but I'm not gonna argue with those juicy slices in that last pic!

I was surprised that it was juicy... I started to cut the ends thinking the would be dry but I was wrong it was good all the way thru. :)
Dayum! That is some good looking pork loin. I really dig your methods. I'll bet it gave you quite a diversity of flavors.

