1st Cook with Kamado

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Bruce Bissonnette

Off and running on my first cook using Kamado Extruded Coconut Charcoal. Thanks to Jerry N., a fellow WSM'er from MI who purchased a pallet and then split it.

Filled a full charcoal chimney with unlit and lit about 15 until ashed over. Cooking two pork butts.

Early observations; burns hotter than Kingsford, WSM got up to temp in 37 minutes with two 7.5lb pork butts onb the top grate and sand in the pan.

Totally different aroma than Kingsford, not a coconut aroma, hard to describe but pleasant.

WSM pegged at 235 top grate, two bottom vents open about 1/3 each.

Will keep you posted on how charcoal performs.
Correct me if I am wrong........don't you already have 6 pork butts in your fridge?? You are doing two more? I would like directions to your party please!! You must be cooking for an army!!
No Larry, I have 4 in my refrigerator and I just pulled the last two off the WSM at 8:00am. There will probably be between 50-60 people there. I am allowing for some leftovers for some closest friends to take home.

This Kamado charcoal is great. I had two vents shut down during the night and one vent open about 25%. The WSM held rock steady at 250 lid 235 top grate for 7 1/2 hours. I woke up this morning and it had dropped to 240.

In checking the charcoal, I would say that all of it had some burn to it, however, many of the pieces on the bottom of the ring were only starting to burn and can be salvaged for another cook. Way more left than with Kingsford after an all night cook.

It comes in 17lb boxes and I used almost a whole box in filling the charcoal ring.

I give this charcoal an A
Bruce, i have 2 butts just that size ready for smoking..did you do anything special to get them both on the one grate? thx

enjoy the Kamado
Not really, I can usually fit two butts on my top grate. If you looked at these, they looked longer as opposed to being wide, if that makes any sense. Good Luck!
Have you had a chance to sample the meat cooked with the Kamado? How is it?

You should not have any problem fitting both on one grate. It may be tight in the beginning, but once they cook for a while they will shrink I have cooked two on each grate with no problem. Unless you are cooking something else with the butts, why don't you put one on the top and one on the bottom?
As a matter of fact I am sitting at the computer right now with a pulled pork sandwich with some Original Big Bog Gibson Red Sauce on it. I don't detect any difference in meat flavor if that's what you're after regarding the Kamado. Goooood Stuffffff!
Thanks for sharing your observations on the Kamado. I haven't had my WSM long enough to really be able to evaluate the difference. It makes it worth it to have gone to the trouble (which it really wasn't) to share the pallet with some others.

I'm doing my first full brisket right now. I'm using what I had left from my other cook and some lump. I'm having a little trouble getting the WSM to be steady but let the all nighter and the learning experience begin!

Now if someone can just tell me how to get those pictures of yourself/cartoon on this site under your name, I'd be a happy camper!


Click your name in your last post and choose "View Jerry N's public profile".

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