1st Brisket



I'm 4 Hrs and 45 Min into my 1st Brisket on the WSM.
Current Temps are 172/253 via the Mav ET 73.
The meat has hit a plateau at 173 Deg F.

The Mav is a great tool to use so I can stay in touch while inside while I
do other important things like sipping on beer.:)

Now it is 6 Hrs into the Smoke and the Meat is still at 170 Deg F. but it is looking good and it is starting to reduce in size quite a bit.
I had to add some charcoal to the fire to get the temp back up to 250.

7 Hrs and I have wrapped the brisket in tin foil to finish the smoke.

Final out come was a very tender tasty hunk of meat.
I still think I need a Thermapen for final temp readings.
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Good for you Van. :wsm:

Something to try next time...
once you hit that initial plateau & the bark has set, wrap it (tightly!). It will speed the overall cooking time up considerably.

Wishing you a very enjoyable brisket meal.
Van, congrats on getting the brisket "tender tasty". That's what it's all about, and it sounds like you've done your homework.

As for the Thermapen, even as much as I use mine, it really isn't as much help for bbq as we all like to believe, because the final temp readings don't matter. Temp doesn't even matter as to when to wrap during the plateau. As Bob suggested, it's the bark that counts at that point. By the way, for better brisket bark before wrapping, I don't use water in the pan. Basically, I only use water for bbq I don't plan on wrapping during the cook, like spares and pork butts, (if I have time to do a long butt cook).
Is not Brisket considered BBQ? I'm asking cuz I just don't know.

Van, congrats on getting the brisket "tender tasty". That's what it's all about, and it sounds like you've done your homework.

As for the Thermapen, even as much as I use mine, it really isn't as much help for bbq as we all like to believe, because the final temp readings don't matter. Temp doesn't even matter as to when to wrap during the plateau. As Bob suggested, it's the bark that counts at that point. By the way, for better brisket bark before wrapping, I don't use water in the pan. Basically, I only use water for bbq I don't plan on wrapping during the cook, like spares and pork butts, (if I have time to do a long butt cook).
Well, My Wife told me that the Brisket was the BEST that she ever had!
Really, I said? You are from Texas and you say it's that best? Wow!
I'm so glad my wife supports me in my cooking passion. I'm also happy to have
a place here to help me make the meal a complete success.

Man I full as a tick!
Is not Brisket considered BBQ? I'm asking cuz I just don't know.

Of course brisket is "BBQ"..... as well is pork butts, ribs, or any other tough cut that someone decides to cook down to a tender state.

"Smoking" or "grilling", on the other hand, are much broader categories, with more obvious definitions. For instance, you can either BARBEQUE a tri-tip to tenderness or you can just grill and smoke it to a medium IT*. I've done both and much prefer the latter.

Glad the Missus was happy with the brisket. That's what counts.

