1st attempt at brisket


Jeff Andersen

I thought I'd give brisket a try. Used Memphis Pit Grill Mates by McCormick for my dry rub. Let sit over night in the fridge, and then injected it with concentrated beef broth.

Used willow and red oak for my smoke on the performer (at 250'-degrees)

I had to slice in half, as one end was very thick, the other very thin, so I could bbq the larger end longer. Here we are at the half-way point (about 4 hour in)

Off and resting for a bit

sliced up and ready for some Sweet Baby Rays

pretty good smoke ring, and very moist. I think the beef bouilion injection help the moisture and flavor.
I did wrap in foil @ the halfway point (4-hours in), and added some pepsi, butter and bbq sauce to keep moist. I'd say a good 1st attempt at the ole brisky.
Thanks for looking.
Peace from Nor Cal.
You got to be kidding! If that's your first time,I can't wait for your second time!
Nice Job Jeff.
Thanks for sharing.

Great looking brisket, shame to ruin it with Sweet Baby Ray's :). Never tried willow before what's it like?
Great looking brisket Jeff! So how was the rub? My wife picked up a couple of packs of the same one the other day but haven't tried it yet.
It is not good to lie!! That was not your first brisket!! :D That is really nice looking and you nailed the smoke ring!! How did you like that McCormicks?? I haven't seen that mixture around here. Like the Sweet Baby Ray's for what it is worth.....probably the only sauce I like to buy in the markets.........unless I can find Cattlemans...........
This is So Not Fair! I am sitting at my desk eating a Taco Bell Taco Salad and I come across this! Awesome looking Brisket Jeff. Thanks for ruining my lunch. :D
shame on YOU steve for eetin' taco bell. that's second to Mc's
Jeff, great lookin' brisket...OUTSTANDING 1st BC!
I know Jim. I usually go home for lunch but I have a meeting to get to so no time-I am now paying for that decision.
Mighty fine brisket and your 1st one ......love my sweet bay rays on pork,but I like my brisket natural.How do you lie that rub?
I really liked the dry rub mix. Only .68 cents a pack. I also tried the Smokin' Texas BBQ rub by McCormick recently on some beef flanken ribs, and pork steaks with excellent results. I highly recommend.

