18 month coppa


Dave from Denver

TVWBB Wizard
Dried this in early 2011, vac sealed and stuck it in my deli drawer until this week. Sorry I don't have more pictures, but it's delicious! Thanks for looking




I think Jason Molinari drew these but I could be mistaken, so sorry if I missed the credit for one of you other gurus. Anyway I trimmed the coppa out of the butt like so, and bagged the coppa with cure at 3% salt including DQ #1. The only other spices I used were black pepper and garlic powder. After curing for a couple weeks I tied it up with string and hung it in the chamber, without any casing.

I hung this for about 3 months. Never had any mold issues. Chamber was in a garage so ambient conditions fluctuated wildly. Solid muscles are resilient though and it dried eventually, and picked up some white mold from some salamis I had in there at the same time. Incidentally, those salamis failed.

Before sealing it up I gave the coppa a scrubbing with water and a cloth to remove any yeast/bacteria on the surface.

It's surprising to me that I have no photos of the process, or even of it hanging in the chamber, but sometimes I can't be bothered with a knife in my hand. If I find some I'll post 'em up in here.
Thanks for all the kind words everyone. Jim no knife, I used a waring "pro" deli slicer for this. it worked fine for a while but it broke recently and waring no longer makes the replacement part for the piece that broke .do not recommend.

