17+ lb Whole Shoulder on the WSM

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Chuck DC

New member
I just dropped a 17.5 lb whole pork shoulder on the trusty old WSM @ 5:30 pm EST.

My mother-in-law asked me to do some pulled pork for a retirement party tomorrow afternoon.
Well I hope it is ready on time. I'm expecting it to take over 20 hours. I'm using the Mr.Brown recipe from this site as it always turns out great.

Didn't get in too much smoking time this summer

Did ribs a couple of times and a brisket once.
Also did a whole hog on a make shift cinder block pit.
Well, I a can smell the sweet smoke from where I'm sitting (one chunk of apple,oak and hickory).
The Pabst Blue Ribbon is cold and it's a nice outside.
I like these overnighters.

Good on ya' Chuck. Hope it goes well. Take some pics and post 'em if you can. Welcome to the forum.

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Chuck DC:
The Pabst Blue Ribbon is cold and it's a nice outside.
I like these overnighters.


Man I envy you that. It's still freakin' 90F outside at 9PM!
Makers Mark and Dr Pepper is having a rough go at cutting the heat.. Send some of that sweet Canadian air down my way, will ya'? Enjoy the cook.

Dave, why ruin a good Maker's with Dr.P...splash a little branch water in that like true southern gentelmen do!!
How is the cook going? Did you give youself enough time??? Sounds like it is going to be close.

Rob O.,
What is an Ashton torpedo?
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Larry Wolfe:
How is the cook going? Did you give youself enough time??? Sounds like it is going to be close.

You're right it's going to be close.
Just checked the internal at 9 am and it's at 150 deg. I have to take it off around 2 or 3 pm
I also just stirred the coals and added a bunch of unlit briquettes to get the temp back up. It had dropped to around 212. It's back 0ver 230 now.
It's still mild outside but it' just started to rain.
Time to get the cole slaw and beans started.

Rob O.,
What is an Ashton torpedo? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
Sound like a nice stogie to me.
I might have to get myself one for tonight.

I'm a die hard Pats fan, not far from Bills country.With a big game tomorrow.

Get the foil out and do your self a favor, and foil it! It will not be ready by 2 or 3. You haven't even hit the "plateau" yet. You still have quite a long cook ahead of you even if you foil. You need to typically figure 2 hours per pound for pulled pork, until it hits 190-195. So in the beginning you were possibly looking at a 30+ hour cook. So you are basically half done. So now you are in a bad situation, because you have to try to rush it. I am not sure it is going to be ready by 2 or 3. It is only 40 degrees to reach the finishing temp, but those 40 degrees take a long long time to get to. You may want to think of some appetizers for a back up plan. That is pretty big piece of meat you are cooking. Good luck Buddy!

Here is a log to show you how long it took me on my last 8.5lb picnic

Thanks for the advise Larry.
I just foiled it up.
I'm really hoping it will be ready by 3pm.
I think the 2 hours per pound changes a bit for the bigger pieces.
I have done 15 and 16 pounders before and they took around 20-21 hours to hit 190 internal.
But better safe than sorry. It's at 162 now and I'm running at 250+.



Sorry didn't notice your question.

Ashton is a brand of cigar. Torpedo is its shape.

I'm not really a big cigar smoker. Just every once in a while and last night seemed right.

I may be in the same situation as Chuck with my brisket. I've got 24 degrees to go and need to serve it in 3 hours.
The 2 hours per lb is not accurate if you are cooking multiple pieces of meat that are different sizes that total a large amount. For instance if you are cooking two 5lb butts for a total of 10lbs total weight, you are looking at about a 10 hour cook vs 20 hours for 10lbs. But from my experience for pork shoulders regarless of the size, it is normally 2 hours or more to hit the target temp. Good luck and let us know how it turns out.
I cought a bit of a break I hope.
We are not serving until 5:00pm.
So, if need be I can keep it on till about 4 pm.
At noon the internal is 177 and running at 255.
Hopefully I can at least get it to 185.

Okay, we've got good news and bad news.

Bad news:
no left overs while watching tomorrows football games.

Good news : the shoulder turned out great. Lots of compliments. 25 people finished this thing off and there was quite a few side dishes to go with it.(even the the two big shoulder bones were crunched up my brother's dogs).

I'm glad you advised the foiling. I think it helped getting it done on time.
I ended up taking it off the WSM at about 2:30pm with a 180 deg internal in the thickest part, some areas were a bit higher.
I took it to the party and put it in their oven (250deg)at around 3:30.
We took it out out at 5:00 and pulled it.I'm not sure what the internal was but it pulled nicely.
Well it's just another WSM success story.

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