14.5 so easy to use!


David Green

New member
Everything about the 14.5 WSM is so easy. It's easy to handle, the cooking grates are small enough to wash in the kitchen sink, doesn't use much fuel, doesn't take near as much foil to cover the water pan, and temp control is easy just like the other WSM models.

This little smoker is going to see a lot more action than my other WSMs have seen.

Time to go light the chimney!
I put a 4.5lb brisket on this morning (1st cook). It came up to temp quickly I made two adjustments & it locked in at 230. We returned from church & it was holding steady. I'm guessing the cook should be between 6 & 7 hours; I'm anxious to see how the charcoal holds up for that length of time.
Could agree more! The 14.5 is a solid setup - enough so I purchased one for my father-n-law and having a hard time not adding to my weber family
I have done 3 cooks so far, what a sweet unit! and it looks good! I could see adding handles to the center section, but with the door I don't think they are really needed

I love them both, the 22 will be used for my turkey for T-day, wouldn't fit on the 14

