Josh Dekubber
TVWBB Platinum Member
I picked up this Q1200 a while back for $12. I decided to restore it to donate to a young family I know that is in need of a grill for their condo. I gave it a thorough cleaning and a full paint job on the outside of the grill and repainted the gray cart black. @Samuel just put a nice set of Weber 6-in wheels on his cart like this which inspired me to do something similar. Except I don't have any nice Weber 6 inch wheels and I don't want to use up any of my nice 8 inch white wall Weber Wheels. So I removed the gray moon style hub caps which I don't care for. I decided to mask them off and paint White Walls on them last night and then today painted the black Weber lettering by hand. I originally wasn't going to do a regulator delete on this one but I decided I'm going to do that tonight before I deliver it.

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