10yr old Summit 670, Structural Rust and Weber discontinued parts so I cannot even repair it. $2800 wasted?



New member
So long story short my $2800 "Built for life" Summit grill needs cabinet parts that are discontinued by Weber, It also has cook box rust but that part is available for $300. I am sure it was there before year 10 but I didnt notice it until now 10 yrs 6 months.

I have searched around and the 3rd party suppliers are all out of stock and status discontinued. So now I am forced to either build this into a new enclosure or replace the grill. I am extremely disappointed in Weber. My old Sams $399 grill made it 8 years and was only replaced because I wanted this Weber Flagship.

I reached out to Weber via Twitter and they said " we like to support our older grills and are not sure why those parts are discontinued"

Does anyone have any links or contacts I can try other than the team member that answers the twitter feed? I really feel let down by this purchase. I expected to be able to keep this grill running for 20+ years and given the price I should have been able to. I feel that I need to share my disappointment with someone further up.
Can’t wait to hear Larry’s reply on this!

Can you post pictures of your grill? If only 10 years old, it should be the current generation. Sounds like may have an earlier one.

Unfortunately, the Summit - particularly the current third generation - does not have the rock solid construction you would expect from a “flagship” grill. The first generation was an exceptional grill and robust in many ways. But all Summits to date suffer from a strange choice by Weber to make critical parts of the firebox out of porcelain coated steel. Inevitably, the porcelain cracks from temperature changes and then rust - and ultimately burn-through - follows.

If you have a second generation Summit you might be patient and keep a lookout for a donor “Platinum” Summit, a 2-year only model where all the frame and cabinetry were high grade stainless. Still the same firebox problem, though.

A final note: I think many of us would agree that two classic Genesis (pre-2007) would be better than one Summit. Also a LOT easier and cheaper to maintain and get parts for.
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My summit is a 2009. I think I bought it in April 2010. Wife says fall 2009. Don’t have the receipt it was lost in a house fire. Either way just older than 10 years.
The frame bottom of gone and the chassis is sagging causing the doors to hit in the middle and get knocked off. The hole(s) in the firebox are just big enough to concern me but not worth fixing given the frame issues.


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Well, Adam, I hate to say it, but putting more money into that would just be tossing it away. I wouldn’t recommend another third generation Summit - which yours is, but if you are determined to have a really large grill, I would look for a 6-burner Genesis II. It is discontinued, but if you are patient a used one may come up for sale close enough to get. This at least has an all aluminum firebox. You will still have to keep the cabinetry dry and protected or rust will get to that, too.

Another alternative for a large grill is to find a higher end, all 304 stainless grill such as Wolf, Firemagic, Lynx, Alfresco and some others. These are outrageous new, but used ones can be found a lot less costly. Fixing up and parts will still cost you a good bit but the body will last pretty much forever. That is the way Weber should have made the Summit. I am hoping a Summit II is in the making and will have greatly improved construction quality.
Wow, a grill from Atlanta looking that bad is surprising. That grill is indeed dead. I am sorry that you can't get any love from Weber on that thing.
Not sure it would be of interest to you, or a 1,000 mile round trip drive, but I just stumbled onto this. Located in my neck of the woods.

If only It was closer. Or I had a good reason to be in Tampa. Seems like a decent deal! I even have a spare set of doors for the 670 new in box still.
I don't think your cabinet is under warranty so perhaps you are SOL on that. But Weber should and could be standing behind the fire box and such. Without climbing on a soap box all I can say is you now know why Weber will NEVER EVER get another dime from me for a new grill. 10 years into a 25 year warranty and they quit making the parts. Their response? "Too bad so sad" Here take this coupon as a gesture of good will and buy a new Genesis II model direct from us at a huge discount." Well with their discount I would still pay far more than buying one at any place like Home Depot or what have you. For what? A made in China wannabe. Don't get me wrong. I love love love my old Genesis grill(s) and my Q320. But IMO weber screwed me royal.
Final verdict, Weber could not find me the bottom panel, They offered a replacement grill at a substantial discount so I caved. I will watch this new one more closely and hopefully get another 10+ years from the new 670.

Wonder if the old one has any value on craigslist as a project?
How much of a discount are they giving you?
I would offer it up on CL. There are plenty of people out there that think it is an easy fix and are willing to go down the rabbit hole.
Ya would love to know too what they are doing to help their old summit customers...

I have a 9-year old Summit S670 - just had it professionally cleaned this August. It is almost like new....but I always kept it covered and it was used lightly over the years and no elements (rain, snow) really touched it unless it was a one-off deal where I got caught in a sudden rain.

How much of a discount are they giving you?
I would offer it up on CL. There are plenty of people out there that think it is an easy fix and are willing to go down the rabbit hole.
They pulled that same crap on me. Be careful of what they call a "discount". I discovered that had I taken them up on it I would have paid about $250 MORE for a new grill instead of just simply buying it from a retail outlet.
I would just compare that net price to what you could otherwise find. You might find the difference to be somewhat closer than you thought like Larry did.
The summit line just sucks. And shame on weber for not supporting their flagship line. And/or improving it to the level of the much better built genesis line. But it's definitely a big mistake to pigeon hole all newer weber grills into the same category as the summit line.

The genesis II grill is a fine grill. Bullet proof like the older 1000's, B's and A's? Probably not. But still very good and light years better than most big box grills.

