
  1. MMosher

    Heavy ash on pork shoulder - help please!

    Hi all, hoping for some advice or feedback. I pulled an allnighter in an attempt to have a delicious pulled pork lunch. My goal was to get a beautiful crust, so I did not wrap the pork at all, and I did not lift the lid for a full 7 hours. As you can see in the pics, there is some pretty heavy...
  2. S

    Weber charcoal ash in compost?

    Does anyone know if it's a good idea to add (cooled) ash from Weber brand charcoal to a compost bin or pile? Some places online say generally about charcoal not to use it in compost because of added chemicals that could be bad for the plants...
  3. PeterD

    Grey ash all over

    When I use my Stoker temp control, which has a gentle 5 CFM fan over one of the vents, I notice that there's fine ash over the top of the food. I only use Comp. K for cooks long enough to require the Stoker (and regular blue-bag K for shorter cooks). How can I prevent this ash from forming?
  4. G

    Ash Issues in 22.5 WSM

    I did my first cook today in my 22.5 WSM. I just made a couple racks of baby backs for a test. Here's the rundown: I put a full chimney of unlit briquettes in the charcoal ring with 3 apple wood chunks. I lit a half chimney of briquettes and dumped them over the unlit. Poured 1 gallon of...

