

Steve Petrone

TVWBB Platinum Member
Pellet PIZZA oven,

plus anything else you want wood fired baked.
Looks extremely simple. Does anyone here have experience with this ?
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Yep, I got the uuni 3.
Bought it about a year ago, second hand and in good nick.
I had no problems lighting it with the proper pellets and I got some good pizza's out of it with the first attempt.
It cooks fast. Very fast.
It is perfectly doable to operate with one person, but 2 is easier. One making the pizza, one looking after the little machine.

Having said that, the pellets I can get locally are a bit of a pain. Difficult to light and a lot of soot.
I have since moved to a gas burner (I bought that one at the same time as the uuni). Now it really is a breeze to make pizza.
The uuni lives outside in the dry season, gas bottle connected. It takes about 10-15 minutes to pre-heat, so making the dough and then the pizza is the limiting factor....
The little uuni will keep up with you ;)

I'm really happy with it
Thank you Anne. Things are usually not as simple as videos show...I'm pleased to know you are 'really happy' with it.
It will go on my list
I have one as well. I love it. I just buy the oak pellets in 25-lb boxes, 4 to a shipment at a time. Makes it much cheaper. Though it is in Vegas and I am mostly in Newport these days, I have used it many, many times. Always by myself. It's a fairly short learning cure to figure out how/when to add pellets, how/when to run into the house to top and grab the next pizza for the oven, etc. I usually do 3 or 4 in succession so establishing a workflow is important. Wasn't hard to figure out. I use a MAP torch to light (2 minutes through the little hole); after a couple minutes and a nice flame to the original lighting I fill the pellet chute. I add as necessary and as the timing of the workflow makes it possible. It's not hard. Again, love the thing.
The uuni should come with a warning:
You are going to eat a lot more pizza than you ever did :)

Just to make clear, if I would have access to the right pellets, I would have stuck with the pellets!
(but the gas burner is incredibly handy)

