Cherry Bomb


Steve Petrone

TVWBB Platinum Member
Macerate 3 bing cherries with 1/2 teaspoon of sugar, add to a shaker with ice, squeeze of fresh lime juice and 2 ounces of Bacardi light rum. shake and strain into martini glass.
That is a little different than the recipe I know. Take a Ball Mason jar and fill it with maraschino cherries then fill with vodka. Let sit for a couple weeks then eat.
Nice time to revive this post as cherries are just out
I tried this. Sad to say I didn't care for it.

The cherries imparted a nice pink colour but the rum totally overpowered the rest.

Kind of like a cuba libra without the cola.

I added cola to get it down. Now it was too sweet because of the extra sugar

Not for me but thanks for posting the idea.
Originally posted by Brian Zimmerman:
That is a little different than the recipe I know. Take a Ball Mason jar and fill it with maraschino cherries then fill with vodka. Let sit for a couple weeks then eat.
i have maraschino cherries drained of their juices and filled with spiced rum in the back of my fridge since new years day 2009!
in fact, i'm going for them right now!!

