Pics from CBJ class in Clayton, CA


Chris Allingham

Staff member
I took the Certified Table Captain class and my wife Julie took the Certified BBQ Judge class yesterday in Clayton, CA. I had the pleasure of helping out as Table Captain during the CBJ class. It was great to see so many enthusiastic students, and a good number of competition team members wanting to become CBJs in order to gain insight into the judging process.

Here are some pics from the day.


CBJ class held at Endeavor Hall in Clayton, CA.


60 students learning the ins and out of judging competition barbecue. A good number were professional team members wanting insight into the judging process.


KCBS rep Kelly McIntosh was the class instructor and did a great job.


Chicken boxes await the students for judging of appearance, taste and tenderness. Will they notice that one box does not contain the required minimum of six samples, one for each judge?


Newly minted judges taking the KCBS Judging Oath.


Craig Yeszin of Cynical Barbecue was in the parking lot barbecuing meat for the students to judge. Beautiful custom paint job on this Jambo pit.


They cooked a lot of barbecue on this big boy for the CBJ students. Volunteers prepared 80 turn-in boxes containing 480 individual samples of chicken, pork ribs, pork, and brisket. Donna Fong (left) and my wife Julie (right) are standing in the background. You can see one of two WSM toward the right that Donna cooked on.


You don't see this every day...Harry Soo of Slap Yo' Daddy BBQ on dish duty.


Two WSMs packed into the trunk of Donna Fong's car. Donna coordinated the entire cooking effort and smoked slabs of baby backs for the students to taste and evaluate.
Craig Yeszin's Jambo was a real treat to see up close. His buddy Dominic made the reverse flow propane smoker behind Julie and me. I'd get one but I'm not strong enough to lift those doors. Oh, and it doesn't fit inside my trunk.

It was fun to cook for the students and a true challenge to make store bought sauces work. I used Kraft on mine. 182 pieces of ribs (14 racks) in two 18"WSM. So good to see Chris and Julie there!

