Ignoring Members...It Can Be A Good Thing!


Chris Allingham

Staff member
In my last musing, I wrote about how it's important for us to be able to disagree with one another without being hostile about it. As a follow-up, I just wanted to say a few words about a related topic...ignoring members.

I often think it's amazing that everyone gets along as well as they do in an online community of thousands of people. There are so many different personalities and interests involved that it's understandable for there to be conflicts between members from time to time. And it's even more challenging since all we have to go on is what the other person types. It's well known that seeing the expression on someone's face, hearing the tone of their voice, and seeing their body language are important parts of human communication, and when those cues are missing, it can lead to misunderstandings between members.

Sometimes it can be difficult to remain patient with another forum member. Maybe you feel their opinions are uninformed. Maybe you don't like their attitude. You just can't help yourself...you feel like posting a message telling them what an idiot they are!

When this happens, your best course of action is to IGNORE that member. Why waste your time getting wound-up about someone else in a forum, or even worse, arguing with them? Life is too short. Just skip over their posts whenever you see them.

Also, the forum software provides an easy way to help you ignore someone. Just click that person's name on any of their posts. Choose "View Profile", then click "Add to Ignore List". Now all posts from that member will be hidden from you. Simple as that.

Look, we're all human. We can't be expected to get along with everyone. But we can control how we choose to react in these situations. I would encourage you to consider using the "Add to Ignore List" feature if you need to.
Thanks, Chris...I've just added you to my ignore list ;). Just kidding! I've found pretty much everyone on this forum to be more than gracious and considerate and have enjoyed my membership. Thanks for starting this BB and being a great moderator.

"Can we all get along?" Rodney King
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I agree with Mike, I'm a newbie here and have yet to see any kind of attitude you mention........sort of seems everyone here has a full belly and their happy!
Fantastic site with a super group of sharing people!
Thanks! Al
Over on one of my other boards there's this guy who will throw anybody that disagrees with him on the ignore list. Doesn't matter how polite they are in sharing their disagreement-- ZAP! -- they're on ignore. We like to tease him that soon he'll just be posting by himself. Only thing is, he probably doesn't see us making those jokes, as most of us are probably already on his list.
In the worst of times.... never a member I'd ignore. That's what makes this a awesome place to hang out.

