Search results

  1. W

    B&B Char-logs?

    Royal Oak lump is like burning cardboard - just no density at all. I have lots of 17.6 lb bags in my basement - years old. I abandoned it once I tried B&B lump - it was a no brainer. Royal Oak is easier to get started, but all other advantages go to B&B. Much denser and heavier pieces, more...
  2. W

    Kingsford Original Briquettes

    I reside in the States and have a couple bags of pre-COVID KBB stashed in my basement. I’ve been away from KBB for a few years and plan on buying some soon (with the hope of) getting back to longer burn times than Royal Oak All Natural briquettes, but your experience concerns me. I’ll grab a...
  3. W

    Kingsford Charcoal Problems?

    I think you’ve nailed the root cause of your fire problem - moisture absorption, and not necessarily the charcoal you used. I haven’t purchased KBB in a long time, and I recently have been considering going back to it for longer cooks. Royal Oak and B&B have been my go to briquettes over the...
  4. W

    Kingsford Charcoal Problems?

    If you don’t mind me asking - which Sam’s Club did you get those from? I frequently go to the Sharpsburg and Douglasville Sam’s and will avoid the KBB if it was one of those locations.
  5. W

    Burning out my WSM

    Agree. And the pressure washer combined with oven clean (sprayed 5-10 mins in advance) will return it to like new condition.
  6. W

    Free Red LE in northwestern NC - **ROUGH** shape

    This is just sad. Perhaps it was damaged in the floods resulting from tropical storm Helene, but I have the feeling this is more from neglect and abuse. Legs, wheels and ash pan appear to be usable. Hopefully the Limited Edition badge is salvageable as well...
  7. W

    Heavily discounted wsms

    I've seen this trend in my local market too, and I think it will continue as more people move to pellet grills (versatility, capacity, ease of use, etc.) and somewhere in the ad will usually state "it's just taking up space since we got our pellet grill".
  8. W

    Cajun Bandit 22.5 WSM door w/latch - $49.99 (Scratch N Dent)

    Cajun Bandit has some scratched 22.5" WSM doors with latches for $49.99 (shipping included). Both my 22s have CB doors already, but at this price I couldn't resist grabbing an extra. Had 15 left when I ordered mine so hurry if you want one...
  9. W

    weber briquettes? are they worth $12 for a 20 lb bag ?

    I have 4 bags in my basement and 2 in my garage that I got when Home Depot was clearing them a few years back (for, like, $4 a bag). Still have yet to try it (but I think EricV has convinced me). :D
  10. W

    Price increases

    Or just check FB MarketPlace, CL, OfferUp for a nice used one. It's not unusual to find gas assist Performer Deluxes, newer ones, for $200-$300 (of course price will vary by region and condition).
  11. W

    Wtb grates for wsm 22

    Standard 22 kettle and top WSM grate are basically the same, but the lower grate is slightly smaller in diameter.
  12. W

    Wood selection for brisket...any ideas?

    Hickory for me 100% of the time. Apple is too weak, and mesquite is waaaaay too strong.
  13. W

    Which WSMs fit a half pan?

    How about a compromise............ Add another entire grate level to your 22 for about half the price of a new 18" WSM. Plus you're only working with one cooker, and the stacker option let's you hang 15+ full racks of...
  14. W

    Sequoia in Orchard Park NY

    Definitely not the original lid, but still may be worth a buck fifty if the rest checks out OK.
  15. W

    Best method to season a 18.5” WSM?

    Follow Chris' advice. No need to season a porcelain coated smoker that will never rust, if it's never dropped and the surface is never scratched. :)
  16. W

    Any Labor Day Charcoal Deals?

    My grilling story is very similar Rich, except I’ve kept the same # of grills, if not increased by a few. I’ve also dumped KBB in favor of B&B Oak Briquettes and not only is it cleaner and hotter burning than KBB, at $8.99 for a 17.6lb bag it’s a little cheaper too.
  17. W

    Would this accomplish anything as a diffuser, sitting directly on the factory charcoal ring?

    The stacker gives enough height to put the fire dial on the lower rack position and still have PLENTY of room. Even heat, and no trimming needed. The stacker SO pays for itself in this manner (15 racks hung, no problem; can also do 3 full packers on the WSM).
  18. W

    Would this accomplish anything as a diffuser, sitting directly on the factory charcoal ring?

    I have a setup similar to John K’s, except I also have a 22.5 inch Cajun Bandit stacker. Perfect setup for ribs, as ribs will hang very high above the fire. And with the Firedial, there’s zero chance for burning. Or they can be hung without the FD. I got a deal on my setup, but brand new the...
  19. W

    Restoring Kettles

    Real fade is non-restorable. It can be caused by excessive direct exposure to sunlight or excessive exposure to elements under a cover (which traps both heat and moisture). Over the years I've had a dozen or more kettles and WSMs with lid fade. There's no restoring the original deep color...

