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  1. G

    Rib Rub

    doing baby backs for the game Sunday, and looking for a new rub recipe. The BRITU is too salty for my taste... any suggestions?
  2. G

    Cooking my first pork butt

    I agree with Randy... you will get better with temp control over time... For me, in the beginning I was checking temps every 15 minutes and making small adjustments. Now that I have a better idea of how the WSM operates, I might check temps every hour. I usually fire up using the Minion...
  3. G

    Butt internal 170 degrees

    keep on going... I just did an 7 pounder yesterday and pulled it at 190 and rested for 3 hours. My guests said it was the best pulled pork they have ever had. And, they especially loved the dark, smoke filled bark =)
  4. G

    early butts?

    thanks, Kevin. My temps were at the lid (I should've noted that in my earlier message), but this was the first time that I cooked at that level. Usually I keep it 225 to 235 for butts. I wanted to migrate to your high temp version, but felt I would inch my way there =) I'll let you know how...
  5. G

    Rolled Ribs?

    I do back ribs all the time...just put 6 racks on yesterday and got rave reviews from the neighbors that were here for the afternoon. I always roll 'em and hold them together with a skewer, and the 6 racks fit perfect.
  6. G

    Too much smoke?

    I get alot of smoke early when firing the smoker also, but I'm with the "never can get too much smoke" crowd. I've never had a friend or family member tell me that something had too much smoke taste =)
  7. G

    early butts?

    thanks guys. I have it in the cooler now. It is a boneless butt, just under 7lb. I know that Kevin talks alot about higher temps for doing butts, and I thought that the 250 to 260 range with a spike to 275 for a few hours may have contributed to a little quicker time...
  8. G

    Rookie Ribs

    I've never done spares...always baby backs, and they always turn out great. I always use Minion method. What method are you using?
  9. G

    early butts?

    put a 6.8 pounder on at midnight, planning for about a 14 hour cook (2 hrs per pound). I'm at 11 hours and the lowest reading I'm getting after probing multiple areas is 190. Other areas are mid to high 190's. This seems a bit fast to me... anyone have any thoughts? My cooker temp was...
  10. G

    what is a "packer"? ...a "flat"?

    I see many posts refer to "packers" and "flats" when discussing brisket... not sure exactly what these terms mean...
  11. G

    Minion method best for ribs?

    well, I went with the minion layer of unlit briquets, some smoke wood, another layer of briquets, some more smoke wood, then ~30 fully lit briquets on top. The fuel bin was full. I let the wood catch fire, then assembled the cooker (about 15-20 minutes). I put two rolled racks on...
  12. G

    Minion method best for ribs?

    wow! 15 minutes and multiple responses already! God, I love this website :-) Thanks guys for the input. I will try Minion for my ribs tomorrow. I will let you know how it turns out...
  13. G

    Minion method best for ribs?

    I know that the BRITU recipe recommends a "standard" method for firing up the smoker, but waiting an hour for the cooker to come down in temp and stabilize seems like a waste. It also seems to me that by waiting that long, it loses the majority of the smoke from the initial burn of the wood. I...
  14. G

    First Butt

    Kevin, just wanted you to know that all turned out great! The pulled pork was a huge success. After my little "adventure" with the temp probe, I ended up targeting 260-270 for an additional 7 hours, until the internal showed 190. I let it rest for about 90 minutes, and wah-lah! Now I can't wait...
  15. G

    First Butt

    Thanks, Kevin. I'm a real rookie at this... I hope to get better with time. And, I do greatly appreciate the help available here. I'll let you know how it goes...
  16. G

    First Butt

    Thanks, Kevin. I imagine that this is going to add significantly to my total cook time. How much longer should I expect? Cooker is now at 230, butt at 150.
  17. G

    First Butt

    I have had a 5lb butt on for about 4 hours, and just now realized that I had the wrong probe connector inserted into my AccuRite Digital Thermometer. I had been holding steady at around 240 plus or minus a few, but now that I inserted the proper probe into the unit, I am only getting about 190...

