Butt internal 170 degrees


Jerry Pollard

TVWBB Super Fan
my first cook on wsm. 10 lb butt
on at 8 p.m. last nite, temp controlled
pretty well all nite. 7 a.m. meat temp 170.
wsm steady about 250 . Butt look like its
done, kinda dry on outsidel. basted it after
8 hours and at 6 am.
is it ok to foil it for rest of cook. about
2 hours?
Jerry - Yes..

You can foil it and leave it on the WSM to accelerate the rendering of fat and collagen breakdown. I wouldn't think of removing it from the WSM until it reaches 190.

The dry outer surface is the bark which adds to the taste. I would expect a 10lb butt to take 20 to 22 hrs, and would not foil unless I had a deadline to meet. The butt has enough internal fat to keep from drying out until the target temperature is achieved. I usually go to 200 degrees.
You can foil if you need to, but I don't either. Not sure, it may make it too mushy. You want that nice bark. You're doing fine!!
keep on going... I just did an 7 pounder yesterday and pulled it at 190 and rested for 3 hours. My guests said it was the best pulled pork they have ever had. And, they especially loved the dark, smoke filled bark =)

