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  1. J

    Cannot connect my HeaterMeter to my WIFI network

    I would redo the SD card and skip adding the wifi stuff. That way the HM will have its own Wifi IP address and then you can connect to it and then go into the setup page and locate your wifi. This way you know for a fact you can actually connect to your board and it maybe a router issue.
  2. J


    I also like to say, I never posted them either on thingyverse or any other webpage.
  3. J


    The Rd3, the Rotordamper, I believe was the first damper made for the Heatermeter. Then others started to make their own damper variations
  4. J

    If you have noise issues, it may be the RPI or the connection to the RPI.

    Im not as proficient at electronics to figure stuff out like this, lol. If you do decide to give that a try, what the worse that could happen, if it does not work, then just remove the circuit and solder it back together again
  5. J

    If you have noise issues, it may be the RPI or the connection to the RPI.

    Sorry I took so long to reply, I have already tried multiple values of caps and on the thermocouple circuit. I bought a smd 805 cap kit(book) that has just about every value you would ever need. I didn't see any improvement. Basically, I was holding the right side connections for the Rpi...
  6. J

    If you have noise issues, it may be the RPI or the connection to the RPI.

    I never really ran into this before so I thought I would make a post about my recent build. I was making a HM and I got it up and running and the Thermocouple was just giving me all kinds of noise. I first thought it was the new amps I recieved from a vendor I never used before, so replaced...
  7. J

    .stl files for roto damper and older HeaterMeter case

    Nothing wrong with printing an oversized damper, if you know how to use the max blower speed setting on the HM. For a UDS sized grill the stock blower is to small to actually make any meaningful temperature changes. Will it work in summer or warmer climates, probably. It won't work when it's...
  8. J

    .stl files for roto damper and older HeaterMeter case

    I have files for the larger RD25 also if someone wants a 30+cfm Rotordamper
  9. J

    Bad connection, dying Pi?

    I had similiar issue with my 3d printer. I recently updated my printer to a Duet 3 wifi board and it came with sd card with the needed files to get the board up and running. SD card looked good on my computer but soon as I put it in the printer the wifi and the sd card slot itself would...
  10. J

    Are they still available

    Unfortunately, I don't think there will be a version 5 of the HeaterMeter. But, I also don't think it really needs to be updated. I mean what else do we need on the HeaterMeter?
  11. J

    Are they still available

    I ment to reply to your comment, not mine, lol
  12. J

    Are they still available

    I just did a parts check this morning while at work. If you go by the Wiki, alot of the Resistors have been obsolete basically the company that made them is no longer the same company. So, you have use substitute components. The major components are all available, except for the buttons...
  13. J

    Are they still available

    Why is it complex? For the average person, who has never soldered, yes it's a very complicated thing to do, but from what you describe that's not what makes the HM complicated. It's all ready to be loaded onto the Rpi and HM via SD card in a fairly simple process. The instructions, could...
  14. J

    Are they still available

    Yes, all the parts are very much available
  15. J

    Port dam forwarding, lol

    Xfinity wifi modem(It sucks) Using No-Ip service I want to solve this problem that I have been trying to figure out for a good long time. Problem......I can not connect to the Heatermeter off home network. I can resolve my No-ip address on my home network, just fine. So I can type
  16. J


    I sent you a message
  17. J

    Troubleshoot a new servo in an RD3 RotoDamper

    Send me a text, if you would like someone to look at it for you. Just ask for return postage and if any major parts.
  18. J

    HeaterMeter Hardware v4.3.3, v4.3.4, v4.3.5, v4.3.6

    No not really, Byran from the looks of it has taken a long break from it, but that does not mean much as the Heatermeter is pretty good as is. Anybody can still build one and it will work as it always has. The main issue with the Heatermeter is finding parts. RPI 's were almost impossible...
  19. J

    New probes, what/where to buy? (EU)

    The Heatermeter realistically can work with any thermocouple, if there isn't a preset already for the particular thermocouple then you would have to do some testing to determine the 3 coefficient used to get the accurate temperature curve. The Heatermeter has presets for Thermowork cheif...

