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  1. W

    My "Webber" grill!

    Damn thing pooped all over my beloved grill lid!
  2. W

    Early morning ANGRY chimney

    I took this photo at about 4 AM on Saturday and thought it looked cool (hot?) and maybe appropriate considering the Halloween season!
  3. W

    Bacon Explosion

    I don't know if others here have made a similar cholestorol loaf but a new type of pork "fattie"? was described in today's Kansas City Star: And here's a step-by-step recipe(with better photos) straight from the originator's own website...
  4. W

    Rump Roast Mini-Smoker Experiment

    My family is out of town right now and on sunday afternoon I decided to smoke an old favorite, your basic rump roast, on my WSM. This way, if it turned out bad, only I would have to eat the results! Well, I should've known better as my WSM only seems to put out great tasting product! Since...

