Search results

  1. J

    Rolling Cart Adaptation

    Harbor freight cart -works awesome
  2. J

    Grinding brisket

    Hi - so at costco chuck is 5.99 or top round 6.99 lb and I grind my own beef for burgers etc brisket while big at like 11 lbs or so is 3.79 lb seems to have enough fat - meat to just carve up and grind for burgers and freeze beef? anyone do that?
  3. J

    Al Pastor

    my al pastor using that recipe of the OP
  4. J

    Smoked tacos al pastor

    My Al Pastor over the weekend. I used this recipe.
  5. J

    Al pastor on WSM?

    I did this recipe - came out awesome
  6. J

    Rolling Cart for WSM

    So has anyone looked at this recipe? Even more - look at the cart. Someone has like a custom cut one. Chris?
  7. J

    Rolling Cart for WSM

    Looks Great!
  8. J

    Bravo Weber

    So a knob on my 670 breaks. I go online and open a case with weber. They respond not covered (i know it is) I call I get someone and they it is covered. There was a phone issue but they called me back! They said they were sending a complete set. Two days later - a complete knob set. Bravo Weber..
  9. J

    Weber CRAFTED Outdoor Kitchen Collection: New Accessories System for 2022

    I think they should be doing more stuff for us summit guys.
  10. J

    New Caster s670

    Yes - No problem
  11. J

    New Caster s670

    Hi - Just added these. Nice cheap upgrade. The weber wheels are kind of dinky
  12. J

    Genesis caster upgrade at less than half the price

    do you know if summit 670 would use same wheels?
  13. J

    Another WSM wheel question

    Harbor freight cart - so much better than wheels
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    Cold smoke salmon

    Hi Looking to make some nova lox at some point. I have a pellet smoke tube and 18 wsm. I realize that you have to cold smoke some say for up to 24 hours. For those that have done this with a 12 in pellet tube- how many time did you have to refill? What happens overnight? I really do not want...
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    two racks cut in half. 3 hrs uncovered. hour in change in foil and 20 minutes with a little sauce. With mac and cheese with some cheddar that I smoked added into the cheese sauce
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    Ready for wrapping
  17. J

    Rolling Cart for WSM

    I found center on the cart I actually took a white out pen and drew around the top cover where I wanted it. I took a dremel with cutoff wheels - went through about 8 of the little cutting discs. The rubber is from amazon 5 ft fit...
  18. J

    Rolling Cart for WSM

    my Harbor Freight cart Mod...

