Search results

  1. MikeB

    Does anyone care about today's game?

    Oh, that game was yesterday? ;)
  2. MikeB

    White Noise - Sound Machine - Sleep Sound Device

    I've been using this since 2006. I've taken it on some of my travels too. Sounds like a fan that you can tweak the tone and speed a little. (It actually is just a fan in a case) Yogasleep Dohm Classic (Tan) The Original White Noise Machine, Soothing Natural Sound from a Real Fan, Noise...
  3. MikeB

    Slow page load times

    Frontier finally pulled fiber to home here, even though the main leg to the central office has been under the sidewalk right in front of my house for years. I'm tempted to switch from Spectrum cable. Spectrum keeps telling me about the speed boosts they've given me, and yet I'm still stuck at...
  4. MikeB

    You know you're getting old when...

    Growing up in South Jersey we all said "catty-corner". Here in Wisconsin everyone gives me a hard time because they all say "kitty-corner". :LOL:
  5. MikeB

    Today Is 9/11

    An area fire house had all their rigs outside, with the boots and helmets on the ground to the left. And a GIANT American flag hanging from the raised ladder truck.
  6. MikeB

    The spectacular rise and surprising staying power of the George Foreman Grill

    I still have, and occasionally use mine :)
  7. MikeB

    For CAT lovers

  8. MikeB


    Income Tax Day :oops:
  9. MikeB


    *raise hand 👋
  10. MikeB

    Interesting Lobster

    The Lobster House is great. I go every time I'm back in Jersey. (y)
  11. MikeB

    Coffee Beans what's in your grinder ???

    I get this sent to me in Wisconsin from New Jersey, because Wisconsin coffee sucks. We would drink Wawa coffee on the bus on the way to high school. I was really bummed when I moved here and couldn't get it. I make it by the pot in one of these
  12. MikeB

    Would you try this?

    I'd try it. Might make for a different flavor. I've eaten weirder things :D
  13. MikeB

    Anyone else's Weather as Totally Messed up as Ours?

    -7F with -20 to -30 wind chills. yippie :rolleyes:
  14. MikeB

    For CAT lovers

    I now keep the bedroom door closed at night. Sleep has always been a problem for me, but the cat decided several times a night it would be fun to jump on the bed and knead my face. Just my face. A coworker said DO NOT let the cat get in that habit. Now the cat charges and butts the bedroom...
  15. MikeB

    Read Any Good Books Lately?

    Currently reading this. Pretty boring, I know ;)
  16. MikeB

    Read Any Good Books Lately?

    Great series!
  17. MikeB

    For CAT lovers

    It has been an interesting month as a first-time cat owner... 99.8% of the time she is a good cat. Fun to get to know and play with. The other .2% she is an a--hole ;) Just looking for ways to get in trouble or be annoying :) But I hear that's what cats do. I made this picture with a...
  18. MikeB

    indoor tv antenna

    Streamer here also. Check out the website for estimated stations in your area.(I used the location in your profile) I'm quite a bit more rural in northern Wisconsin and I was surprised at the number of stations I was able to grab with one of those cheap-o flat square antennas...
  19. MikeB

    Mason Jar Sealer Attachments for Vacuum Sealers On Sale $10

    Figures, I just ordered this earlier this week at regular price :mad:

