Search results

  1. M

    vertical bird

    Just looking to find an upright stand for doing a turkey on the WSM. Thanksgiving is comin' and my turkey meter is about to blow!!
  2. M

    Pork butt or brisket on top rack??

    I followed Jim's advice on keeping your butt up a week ago. I only had a brisket flat to work with, but it seemed to be well basted by the pork fat from above. Threw on three rolled ribs and had a feast! Thanks, Jim.
  3. M

    mixed bag results

    Well, I either got lucky or I may be getting a handle on things. The plan was to cook for the family--about 10 people--but they all seemed to bring friends, so I ended up with over 15. Had plenty of meat, but it sure put the pressure on an inexperienced cook! I Mean family is one thing, but...
  4. M

    spotty wood

    Thanks, Bryan, Figured that's what it was. I was just hoping I hadn't messed up a whole bunch of really good smoke wood. BTW, any suggestions on where to store dry, pre-chunked wood. I'm fairly positive my better half won't like it in the den.
  5. M

    spotty wood

    Need an opinion. I put up about 100# of mulberry "rounds" about two weeks ago. They're roughly 4" thick and 12-15" in diameter. I put them in the basement, stacked in a way that air can circulate all around. I have a dehumidifier that keeps the basement pretty dry, but I see some gray-black...
  6. M

    variety pack

    Henry (or is it Henry Joe, or maybe just Joe?), Anyway, I'm in Lyons. It's about 75 miles north of Omaha with a grand total of 900-some humans, about 5,000 cattle and 10,000 hogs. Good place to do some q'ing! I've been to the downtown Stoysich, its where I used to take my deer every year...
  7. M

    variety pack

    Thanks, Steve, Maybe I'm biting off more than I can chew (no pun intended), but, what the heck, ya never learn if ya don't try something new. Forgot to ask---any suggestions on smoke wood for this mixed bag?
  8. M

    variety pack

    got a get-together with the whole fam damily this weekend. i need to know if i can cook a brisket, pork shoulder and some baby backs at the same time. is there a concensus on where to place what, temps, timing, perhaps adding ribs later? btw, chris, one HELL of a site you got here! thanks
  9. M

    Unsatisfying brisket

    OK, i've come to the conclusion that i just oversmoked the brisket. since originally posting, i've reheated some of it and it's very good, but still a tad bitterish (very little). the meat seems even moister than when we first had it. don't ask me why, i'm just a newbie. anyway, thanks...
  10. M

    Unsatisfying brisket

    jim, i used a fresh bag of kingsford. the smoke coming from the cooker always smelled really good, if that counts for anything. i did notice a brownish deposit on the outside of the lid on the side where the polder cable went in.
  11. M

    Unsatisfying brisket

    thanks for the comeback. i used four oak, one cherry and one apple, all about 2" square--just thought it sounded good. i still wonder if the meat took too much smoke because i failed to get the cooker up to temp before putting the meat on. i did fork the meet about an hour before i took it...
  12. M

    Unsatisfying brisket

    i've had great success doing ribs, chicken and even pork butt on my old reliable weber kettle grill, but i decided to take the next step into the world of bbq. so, i talked my lovely wife into getting me a weber bullet for my birthday. i've done ribs and chicken with results at least as good...

