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  1. J

    lump charcoal modification

    I'm right there with you. After using lump (usually Royal Oak) for the first time I've never used briquettes again, even for grilling. I think lump is better in every aspect. I've found it easier to light, easier to maintain temp, leaves minimal ash, consumes less fuel, gives meat a better...
  2. J

    Bad Smelling Brisket

    Hey Bob, good to see another MA guy on here. As for repacking, it might help if you have a Foodsaver or something to vacuum seal with, but otherwise I'd just leave it in the original package. Out of curiosity, where do you get your meat from? I've got 6 different places that I usually shop...
  3. J

    Bad Smelling Brisket

    I took it back to the butcher shop and the owner agreed with me. After getting it out of the cryovac it just didn't look or smell right. He said that during the cryovac process, they use heat to shrink and seal the bad. In the case of this brisket he thinks that is exposed to the heat for to...
  4. J

    Bad Smelling Brisket

    Thanks for the response Chris. I tried rinsing it and while it does smell better, I can still detect that funky odor. Not just that, but the meat even looks a little discolored in the point area. I'm going to try returning it tomorrow because at this point I don't even want to try eating...
  5. J

    Chris's Brisket Camera Angles!! You Da MAN!!

    I couldn't agree more. I just checked out the virtual brisket and it is awesome. Way to go Chris!
  6. J

    Bad Smelling Brisket

    Hi All, I just opened up a cryo'd brisket and it smells odd. It doesn't have that freshly opened brisket smell. If I get my nose right up next to it, some places smell good, but others, specifically the fat side, has a sulphur smell. I can't remember smelling bad meat before and wondered if...
  7. J

    Brisket Point Suggestions

    Thanks Gregory. I think I'll give that a shot tomorrow.
  8. J

    Brisket Point Suggestions

    Thanks for the responses. I'll try making the burnt ends and see how it goes. I do agree with Bryan though. There is just something about that texture that is so unappealing. I unknowingly ate the point on my first brisket and it actually turned me off of brisket for months.
  9. J

    Brisket Point Suggestions

    My past three cooks I haven't eaten the point on the brisket. After each cook I've vacuum sealed and then frozen them with the intention of making chili. I've got one from January, one from May and another from yesterday. Anyone have any recipe suggestions? Also, any input on the best way to...
  10. J

    First Cook with Mesquite

    So I take it you're not a mesquite fan Ray? If so, would you mind explaining why? I've been hesitant to use mesquite wood because I really don't even like mesquite marinades. I figured why not try it once though, just so I'm sure.
  11. J

    First Cook with Mesquite

    Thanks to both of you for the responses. The last think I want is 20 lbs of ruined cooked meat. I'll just stick to the pecan/hickory mix. Next time I do a beef only cook I'll give the mesquite a try and see how it goes. As for the cut of meat, we'll see. This place where I get some of my...
  12. J

    First Cook with Mesquite

    I'm doing my first cook with Mesquite and was hoping to get some opinions on the proper amout to use. Typically, I've been using pecan, apple, hickory, oak or walnut. I'm going to be cooking a 12 lb. brisket, 16 lbs. of pork butt and some type of sirloin that I've never used before and don't...
  13. J

    Cleaning Question

    As for water in the pan, there really wasn't any left. I let it all evaporate during the cook. I think what really did it was the combination of pouring rain which filled the bottom of the smoker, very high humidy and finally high tempatures. It is clean as new now though and I look forward...
  14. J

    Cleaning Question

    Good point Kevin. I'd say that response could be appropriate for any number of questions. Go with the gut...
  15. J

    Cleaning Question

    Last time I smoked I got lazy and didn't clean my cooker. Two weeks later I opened the lid and found that a mold colony had decided to call my cooker home. Word to the wise... clean your cookers. I spent the last day cleaning the entire cooker. Soaked the grates and water pan in grease...
  16. J

    My experience with pellets

    Colin, do you a fireplace shop around you? There is a fireplace shop by me that just sells different types of wood to burn, not even necessarily for cooking. I couldn't believe it when I walked in, but they have Pecan, Maple, Apple, Black Walnut, Hickory, Oak, Peach and a couple others I don't...
  17. J

    Chuck roast and pork butt together?

    Good question... To be honest with you, I've never done a 3lb Chuck or a 4.2lb pork butt, but doing multiple cuts of meat isn't a problem. If I was you though, I'd put the butt on the top grate and the chuck on the bottom. People usually say that per pound the butt requires more time than the...
  18. J

    Chuck roast and pork butt together?

    You shouldn't have a problem with that cook. My personal favorite cook is a Chuck Roll on the top grate, a brisket on a middle grate and 2 pork butts on the bottom grate. All and all it usually comes to 50 - 60 lbs. of meat, and it has always come out well. I've done it a few times now. The...
  19. J

    Brisket Drippings

    I've used a pan on the bottom grate to collect turkey drippings and it worked out real well. I had more juice to work with than I usually have when cooking in the over. As for the brisket, I usually just use what is left over in the foil after I've let it sit in the cooler. There should be...
  20. J

    Large Cook Planned - Advice Please

    Well, the cook is finished. I decided to go with my original plan and started it yesterday at 4:00, right before the Pat's game, instead of Friday. It was nearly impossible for me to find a Chuck Roll, which is why I put it off. Half the time it seems like nobody knows what I'm talking about...

