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  1. J

    Grinding Spices at Home - Spice Grinders

    I use my coffee grinder all the time for spices like mustard seed.
  2. J

    Leaving used charcoal in pan

    I wouldn't recommend leaving old charcoal in your cooker. More than likely, it's going to pick up moisture over time, so it's not going to burn consistently when you need it.
  3. J

    pan or grate?

    David: You might try a dry water pan next time to help with the heat.
  4. J

    Blue Cheese Soup

    Keith: I tried your bleu cheese soup today. We had a lot of people over, so I doubled the recipe. I sauted the mushrooms in butter, chives and garlic before adding to the soup. Everyone loved the soup! Thanks for the tip. By the way, Maytag rules....
  5. J

    Learned a lesson on ribs this weekend......

    The best advice I've picked up from this forum is to use foil for the last hour or so. Guaranteed to result in meat that falls off the bone.
  6. J

    Help spend my money!..need some grilling, kitchen accessories.

    One last piece of advice on a knife. Forget the brand and price. Find one that feels good in your hand. You can spend a fortune on a good knife, but if you don't like it, you might as well save your money.
  7. J

    23.56lb Turkey on...

    That's one big bird....
  8. J

    Got 2 gobblers on now....

    I'm planning to do the same tomorrow, but I still don't know what temp. to shoot for. Alton Brown recommends 250 degrees for about 7 hours, where the tips on this site recommends 350 for a shorter cook time. I'm also wondering about using an injection and if so which one.
  9. J

    Help spend my money!..need some grilling, kitchen accessories.

    I'm with Doug. Emril's gear rocks.
  10. J

    Going to cook, then freeze about 8 chickens....need advice

    You will love the foodsaver. The best part is heating up your chicken when you are ready to eat. Just pull it out of the freezer, drop the bag into boiling water and bingo, you have fresh smoked chicken. Works every time. Best of all, you can re-use the bag.... Happy Trails....
  11. J

    Screw your ribs together....

    I've tried the skewers too, but they are too long and they tend to get in the way.... Besides, the screws give me a chance to use my electric screwdriver.....
  12. J

    Screw your ribs together....

    I've tried just about everything to hold my ribs, but nothing seemed to work the way I wanted, until I tried screws..... I'm not kidding. I've tried rib racks, and stacking 'em, but I was never satisfied, until one day I tried standing the rack on its side and using a dry wall screw or two...
  13. J

    Blue Cheese Soup

    Thanks for the tip. I love blue cheese, so I'll give it a go. How many mushrooms do you use?
  14. J

    Cleaning the WSM....advice

    I'm with Mike Z. I clean my WSM after each use with dish soap and hot water. I also run the cooking grates through the dishwasher and they come out like new.
  15. J

    wood fired pizza oven help

    Jim c: Thanks a million for the tip. This is exactly what I'm looking for. John
  16. J

    wood fired pizza oven help

    Jim: I purchased an earthstone unit. Web site follows.
  17. J

    wood fired pizza oven help

    I'm having a wood fired oven insalled in my back yard and I'm looking for a forum similar to this one for advice. Anyone have any experience with a wood buring oven, or know of a website for help?
  18. J

    Did I mess up my brisket?

    Andy: I typically pull my brisket at 205 degrees. But that's after wrapping it in foil at 165 degrees. I've never had the 'pot roast' texture that Jim describes, but I might try 185 degrees next time. How did the brisket turn out?
  19. J

    Freezing a pork butt

    Anyone have any idea how to freeze a pork butt? I'm about to pull a 6# butt off the smoker, and would like to freeze it to take on a trip on Friday. Should I freeze it whole, or shredded? Ideas?

