Did I mess up my brisket?

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Andy Rine

TVWBB Member
I fell asleep, and somehow between 5am and 8am the internal temp on my brisket flat jumped to 204. I usually pull at 195. The brisket is now sitting in foil in a cooler with warm towels.

Is this thing going to dissentigrate on my when I try to slice it? If so, are there any steps I can take to mitigate the damage? It wouldn't be a huge deal, but as I've posted before, this is the first big cook for my extended family.

On one really wild cook I had to finish the brisket and pork butt in the oven. Fell asleep again while they were in there and when I awoke the brisket was at 209 (or was it 218 and I've blocked it out?). It was something HORRIFYINGLY high, especially to me as that was back in the day I'd pull it in the 180s. The thing was still very sliceable and moist and tender. I think it was cuz it hung out in that plateau for hours upon hours during the regular cook, which is why it ended up in the oven eventually.

So.....relax, I think it's going to be ok. I'll keep my fingers crossed for ya that the bbq goda are smiling on your efforts.

How big a brisket are we talking about, and did you mop or spray it at all, and what kinda rub, and how long was the whole cook?
Let it set for 2 to 4 hours in the cooler, it maybe on the pot roast side as far as texture is concerned. Try pulling at 185 to 190 and let it set in a dry cooler in the future, you will find the moisture content even better than pulling at 195.
Andy: I typically pull my brisket at 205 degrees. But that's after wrapping it in foil at 165 degrees.

I've never had the 'pot roast' texture that Jim describes, but I might try 185 degrees next time.

How did the brisket turn out?
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