Search results

  1. G

    Max Boston Butts on a WSM 18"?

    Hi. I was thinking of trying to cook 4 boston butts for pulled pork simultaneously, two on each rack. I did three simultaneously quite awhile ago, and vaguely remember something about difficulty maintaining temp due to the quantity of meat absorbing the heat energy, but it isn't clear. Have any...
  2. G

    Finishing Up a Cook in the Oven?

    I was wondering if there are any drawbacks to completing a cook in the oven once the meat has reached the point where it cannot (or should not) absorb more smoke, or after it has been wrapped. I know this question might get me kicked out of the guy club, but it would make things alot easier. 1)...
  3. G

    Weird First (pretty bad) WSM Smoking Experience

    Hi all. I just finished my first cook with my new Weber Smokey Mountain 18" this past Saturday in rural NJ. I smoked a 10lb brisket flat, and used the popular minion method, with a full hoop of Kingsford Blue charcoal and 20 lit briquettes in the center. The water bowl was 2/3 full. Being just...

