Search results

  1. R

    Long Covers for WSM, Performer, that accommodate extensions.

    Hey folks. Many of us now have some version of a WSM. For years now I have been running a heavily modified original one with an extension for added capacity, making it extra tall. I also have 1 performer (platinum) that I use for most of my cooking tasks which is also modified with an extension...
  2. R

    Porchetta vs Porkette

    Moving this from Charcuterie Ok - so did the searches. I KNOW what traditional Porchetta is and how to make it. What I would like to talk about is something that is a traditional thing in the middle to northeast Atlantic coast in the Italian community. In most deli's in this area that cater...
  3. R

    Need Help From Someone Near Lyndonville, VT

    Hello - in addition to Q and Grilling I have other interests one is woodworking. There is an item on Craigslist in Lyndonville VT that I really want to purchase. But the seller only wants local pickup. I would front the cost to pay for your time and travel to pick up the item and ship it to me...
  4. R

    Santa Maria Grill for Kettles

    Was curious if anyone has tried any of the Santa Maria type Grill inserts out on the market recently for use on Weber kettles. Been using my Performer and WSM for years and really like the versatility. Always wanted a solution to easily adjust grill height and the round style SMG accessories...
  5. R

    Diane's Frozen Limoncello Souffle

    If you've been playing with the limoncello thread you might be interested in trying this recipe with some of your home brew limoncellor or "othercello". My SIL made this for us awhile back, I forget the occaision. Great reviews and I made sure the leftovers went into my freezer after the event...
  6. R

    Polysicence Immersion Heaters

    Anyone here get to play with any of the two lower end Polyscience immersion heaters for Sous Vide? Creative Series or Chef Series - Wondering how they hold up. Thinking of giving a Creative model a go.
  7. R

    Heritage Turkey

    Anyone have information to share on your experience with heritage turkey's? Have one coming for a smaller at home cook since I'm not doing the big family version this season. Figured would be a good time to try one of these. If you've cooked these a lot I'd bee interested in whether or not you...
  8. R

    bacalao/salt cod - buttermilk soak??

    Hey folks - wondering if anyone here has any experience with salt cod to the extent of experimenting with a buttermilk soak. I know, have prepped, and eaten it a good bit. Even in Italy - where the preparations were excellent to the point of ecstatic :) So I had some thoughts as I am trying to...
  9. R

    Leftover Grilled Fillet - Striper

    I have a whole filet of striper left over from a large gathering yesterday. Never did this with left over before, but since this was taken off the Performer at a perfect time (nicely done, moist, etc) I want to experiment with just taking the refrigerated filet, cutting into 4x4 pieces, flour...
  10. R

    romano beans vs. pinto beans

    Curious, other than reversal of colors between the two what the real difference is if any? Actually Goya brand, they actually look pretty close to the same as far as coloration. Romano may be a little bigger have more of the lighter field than the darker striping but the colors them selves are...
  11. R

    Should I Not Jaccard my Brisket?

    OK, so lazy and didn't do the searches just yet but frankly don't recall the subject over the last 3-5 years of just watching and reading. I am going to do some moderatley high temp (275-325 degree) brisket cooking in the next couple of days. About 40 lb cook. I have them in a drink that I...
  12. R

    Steamed Bun Dough

    I'm planning to serve some steamed pork buns tomorrow. I know I can buy frozen buns. Thing is I've gone to the effort of making all the ingredients for Momofuku Ramen recipe and assembling to spec for this first run. I want to accompany with the recipe for Momofuku Pork buns and want to make my...
  13. R

    Lobster Sauce Question

    OK - so I've made Lobster Profiteroles as a first course a couple times when I did the Christmas dinner as part of a surf and turf thing (Prime Rib main course). Dinner is at my in-laws and I was asked to do that lobster first course. Of course I jumped in. This is one occasion where you have...
  14. R

    Nut (Pistachio) Extracts

    How hard is it to make ones own. I'm especially interested in pistachio. A lot of the off the shelf is artificial. I have seen MO sources for all natural but either the quantity or the $$ is high once you add shipping. So got me to thinking of whether I could simply take Everclear for Vodka and...
  15. R

    Loin Back Rib Experience

    OK, I have to confess and my previous posts will confirm that I've been a spare rib bigot. For a good long while now. Mostly because I like the heavier meat, fat, etc on spares vs the typical baby backs I find either in the chains or local butcher. To the point that I stopped looking at baby...
  16. R

    White Corn Tortillas

    Or heck even yellow corn tortillas. I'd like to make my own white corn tortillas. Thing is I'm in SE PA. So we pretty much don't do that here unless you are close with some friends from Mexico or the Southwest. We do have a good number of small Mexican groceries around me so if I knew what to...
  17. R

    Brisket Bark Question

    Made a couple of HH briskets today using the coffee-cardamom rub recipe LarryR posted on another thread. Both briskets finished nice and tender. My problem is that I was not able to put them back on to complete/harden the bark so its still soft from being in the foil. I had to run when I...
  18. R

    Your Favorite Buffalo Chicken Pizza Recipe

    Subject says it. I've been experimenting. Have had some good ones, but still not satisfied. Anyone have a favorite method they would like to share. I know the basics are hot sauce mixed with blue cheese or ranch dressing. Grilled spicey, then shopped chicken breast, etc. Some have used a bit...
  19. R

    Dry Yeast Cake to IDY conversion?

    Hey folks - I have a recipe I am working with that calls out "2 dry yeast cakes" as part of the recipe. My understanding is that dry cake yeast was yeast that you can add dry to the other ingredients. What would be the conversion for 1 dry yeast cake to IDY? Have no clue and no idea how to...
  20. R

    Edge Pro Sharpening Systems

    Hello - going to bite the bullet on one of the Edge Pro Systems. Wanting to know if there's any one out there using their equipment and can provide comment on APEX or Professional in terms of value difference, ease of use, flexibility, etc. I think I recall Kevin Kruger and a few others here...

